H And Claire
You're A Love Song

If the world was mine, to give I'd hand it over
On a silver platter, resting on my shoulder
But all I have is what you see
I'd give the universe
If it was up to me
When you walk into a room
I am drawn, uncontrollably to you
How the music starts to rise
When I look into your eyes

You're a love song, just waiting to happen
You're the music in me, everlasting
You're every love song
That ever was imagined to me
If I compare you to anything
You're the love song, I always wanted to sing

If these words sound kind of crazy
That's the way I am
I've been a wanderer, till I met you
But then again
They say love changes everything
You took this broken heart
And taught it how to sing

Repeat chorus

I know it's sentimental
How my heart hits the floor
When you look at me that way
And the music starts to soar

Chorus 3
You're a love song, just waiting to happen
You're the music in me, everlasting
You're every love song
That ever was imagined to me
(You're the sweetest melody, that sets me forever free)

Repeat chorus 3

You're the love song, I always wanted to sing

Mirror lyrics:

You're the love song, I always wanted to sing

Repeat chorus 3

(You're the sweetest melody, that sets me forever free)
That ever was imagined to me
You're every love song
You're the music in me, everlasting
You're a love song, just waiting to happen
Chorus 3

And the music starts to soar
When you look at me that way
How my heart hits the floor
I know it's sentimental

Repeat chorus

And taught it how to sing
You took this broken heart
They say love changes everything
But then again
I've been a wanderer, till I met you
That's the way I am
If these words sound kind of crazy

You're the love song, I always wanted to sing
If I compare you to anything
That ever was imagined to me
You're every love song
You're the music in me, everlasting
You're a love song, just waiting to happen

When I look into your eyes
How the music starts to rise
I am drawn, uncontrollably to you
When you walk into a room
If it was up to me
I'd give the universe
But all I have is what you see
On a silver platter, resting on my shoulder
If the world was mine, to give I'd hand it over

Relevant Tags:
YYou're AA LLove SSong ou're ove ong oYu're A oLve oSng gou're z kove zong gYou're zA kLove zSong Ygou're Az Lkove Szong
hou're q oove wong hYou're qA oLove wSong Yhou're Aq Loove Swong 6ou're s pove dong 6You're sA pLove dSong Y6ou're As Lpove Sdong
uou're w eong uYou're wA Lve eSong Yuou're Aw Lvoe Seong 7ou're x Lkve xong 7You're xA xSong Y7ou're Ax Lokve Sxong
jou're L9ve aong jYou're L9ove aSong Yjou're Lo9ve Saong tou're L0ve Soong tYou're L0ove Sng Ytou're Lo0ve Snog
Yoou're Llve Skng Yu're Llove Skong Yuo're Lolve Sokng Yku're Live S9ng Ykou're Liove S9ong Yoku're Loive So9ng
Y9u're Lovve S0ng Y9ou're Loe S0ong Yo9u're Loev So0ng Y0u're Lobe Slng Y0ou're Lobve Slong Yo0u're Lovbe Solng
Ylu're Loce Sing Ylou're Locve Siong Yolu're Lovce Soing Yiu're Loge Sonng Yiou're Logve Sog Yoiu're Lovge Sogn
Youu're Lofe Somg Yo're Lofve Somng Yo'ure Lovfe Sonmg Yoh're Lovee Sohg Yohu're Lov Sohng Youh're Love Sonhg
Yo7're Lovs Sojg Yo7u're Lovse Sojng You7're Loves Sonjg Yok're Lov3 Sobg Lov3e Sobng Youk're Love3 Sonbg
Yoi're Lovf Songg

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