The Metal Age

Icy water on my hands
the roar of thunder everywhere
I close my eyes, I realize
I'm far away from home
in the Twilight Zone, the shadows mourn
Out of the night came the shining ...
the Metal Age

Ivory towers conceal my eyes
caught up in a long lost time
Where no one speaks, at liberty,
they guard their destiny
to forge the steel, they will reveal
out of the night came the shining ...
the Metal Age

I'm falling into the breach
I'm a stranger in this land, I'm falling

Standing strong, the brave and the elder
with scars seldom forgotten, above it all
Come with us, offering shelter
from the icy wind that shiver
come with us to the twilight zone, oh yeah

You're welcome to the Metal Age

Hear the bell begin to chime
the moonlit skies burst out in flames
The time has come, it must be done,
let the power be unchained
By the force within, let the war begin

Out of the night came the shining ...
the Metal Age

Mirror lyrics:

the Metal Age
Out of the night came the shining ...

By the force within, let the war begin
let the power be unchained
The time has come, it must be done,
the moonlit skies burst out in flames
Hear the bell begin to chime

You're welcome to the Metal Age

come with us to the twilight zone, oh yeah
from the icy wind that shiver
Come with us, offering shelter
with scars seldom forgotten, above it all
Standing strong, the brave and the elder

I'm a stranger in this land, I'm falling
I'm falling into the breach

the Metal Age
out of the night came the shining ...
to forge the steel, they will reveal
they guard their destiny
Where no one speaks, at liberty,
caught up in a long lost time
Ivory towers conceal my eyes

the Metal Age
Out of the night came the shining ...
in the Twilight Zone, the shadows mourn
I'm far away from home
I close my eyes, I realize
the roar of thunder everywhere
Icy water on my hands

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMetal AAge he etal ge hTe eMtal gAe fhe jetal zge fThe jMetal zAge Tfhe Mjetal Azge 5he ketal qge 5The kMetal qAge T5he Mketal Aqge
hhe netal sge hThe nMetal sAge Thhe Mnetal Asge yhe Meetal wge yThe Mtal wAge Tyhe Mteal Awge 6he Mstal xge 6The Msetal xAge T6he Mestal Axge
ghe M3tal Agge gThe M3etal Ae Tghe Me3tal Aeg rhe Mftal Ahe rThe Mfetal Ahge Trhe Meftal Aghe Mrtal Aye Te Mretal Ayge Teh Mertal Agye
Tje M4tal Abe Tjhe M4etal Abge Thje Me4tal Agbe Tue Mdtal Ave Tuhe Mdetal Avge Thue Medtal Agve Tne Mwtal Afe Tnhe Mwetal Afge Thne Mewtal Agfe
Tbe Mettal Ate Tbhe Meal Atge Thbe Meatl Agte Tge Mefal Agee Ag Thge Metfal Age Tye Me5al Ags Me5tal Agse

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