No Sacrifice, No Victory

Sacrifice - Victory
No Sacrifice - No Victory

Once there was gold at the end of the rainbow
Honored by blood we kept searching for more
Light turned to dark as we lost what we fought for
Now we have come to settle the score

Sacrifice - Victory
No Sacrifice - No Victory

Light, brings us light on the pale darkened heavens
Lead us towards our vast victory
Fighting for all that we brothers believe in
Together, united we're standing all for one

On our pathway to glory, we stand together honored by blood
Sacrifice our resplendence, we fight for freedom, hold our grounds forever
By the code we are living, we are breathing, and then we die
Sacrifice our own lives, but we'll never stand to lose our pride and glory

[Solo: Pontus]

In the end only truth will survive, no matter what you sacrifice
So you can't harvest your glory all based on deceit
'Cause no one will swallow your lies

On our pathway to glory, we stand together honored by blood
Sacrifice our resplendence, we fight for freedom, hold our grounds forever
By the code we are living, we are breathing, and then we die
Sacrifice our own lives, but we'll never stand to lose our pride and glory

Sacrifice - Victory
Sacrifice - Victory

Mirror lyrics:

Sacrifice - Victory
Sacrifice - Victory

Sacrifice our own lives, but we'll never stand to lose our pride and glory
By the code we are living, we are breathing, and then we die
Sacrifice our resplendence, we fight for freedom, hold our grounds forever
On our pathway to glory, we stand together honored by blood

'Cause no one will swallow your lies
So you can't harvest your glory all based on deceit
In the end only truth will survive, no matter what you sacrifice

[Solo: Pontus]

Sacrifice our own lives, but we'll never stand to lose our pride and glory
By the code we are living, we are breathing, and then we die
Sacrifice our resplendence, we fight for freedom, hold our grounds forever
On our pathway to glory, we stand together honored by blood

Together, united we're standing all for one
Fighting for all that we brothers believe in
Lead us towards our vast victory
Light, brings us light on the pale darkened heavens

No Sacrifice - No Victory
Sacrifice - Victory

Now we have come to settle the score
Light turned to dark as we lost what we fought for
Honored by blood we kept searching for more
Once there was gold at the end of the rainbow

No Sacrifice - No Victory
Sacrifice - Victory

Relevant Tags:
NNo SSacrifice, NNo VVictory o acrifice, o ictory oN aScrifice, oN iVctory mo zacrifice, mo bictory mNo zSacrifice, mNo bVictory Nmo Szacrifice, Nmo Vbictory
ho wacrifice, ho cictory hNo wSacrifice, hNo cVictory Nho Swacrifice, Nho Vcictory jo dacrifice, jo gictory jNo dSacrifice, jNo gVictory Njo Sdacrifice, Njo Vgictory
bo eacrifice, bo fictory bNo eSacrifice, bNo fVictory Nbo Seacrifice, Nbo Vfictory Noo xacrifice, Noo Viictory N xSacrifice, N Vctory No Sxacrifice, No Vcitory
Nk aacrifice, Nk Vjctory Nko aSacrifice, Nko Vjictory Nok Saacrifice, Nok Vijctory N9 N9 V9ctory N9o Scrifice, N9o V9ictory No9 Scarifice, No9 Vi9ctory
N0 Szcrifice, N0 Vlctory N0o N0o Vlictory No0 Sazcrifice, No0 Vilctory Nl Sqcrifice, Nl Voctory Nlo Sqacrifice, Nlo Voictory Nol Saqcrifice, Nol Vioctory
Ni Sscrifice, Ni Vkctory Nio Ssacrifice, Nio Vkictory Noi Sascrifice, Noi Vikctory Swcrifice, V8ctory V8ictory Sawcrifice, Vi8ctory
Sxcrifice, Vuctory Vuictory Saxcrifice, Viuctory Saccrifice, Vicctory Sarifice, Vitory Sarcifice, Vitcory
Safrifice, Viftory Safcrifice, Vifctory Sacfrifice, Vicftory Saxrifice, Vixtory Vixctory Sacxrifice, Vicxtory
Savrifice, Vivtory Savcrifice, Vivctory Sacvrifice, Vicvtory Sadrifice, Vidtory Sadcrifice, Vidctory Sacdrifice, Vicdtory
Sacrrifice, Victtory Sacifice, Vicory Sacirfice, Vicotry Sacdifice, Vicfory Sacrdifice, Victfory Sac4ifice, Vic5ory
Sac4rifice, Vic5tory Sacr4ifice, Vict5ory Sacgifice, Vichory Sacgrifice, Vichtory Sacrgifice, Victhory Sactifice, Vicyory
Sactrifice, Vicytory Sacrtifice, Victyory Sac5ifice, Vic6ory Sac5rifice, Vic6tory Sacr5ifice, Vict6ory Sacfifice, Vicgory
Vicgtory Sacrfifice, Victgory Saceifice, Vicrory Sacerifice, Vicrtory Sacreifice, Victrory Sacriifice, Victoory
Sacrfice, Victry Sacrfiice, Victroy Sacrjfice, Victkry Sacrjifice, Victkory Sacrijfice, Victokry Sacr9fice, Vict9ry
Sacr9ifice, Vict9ory Sacri9fice, Victo9ry Sacrlfice, Vict0ry Sacrlifice, Vict0ory Sacrilfice, Victo0ry

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