We Only Love You

This is my third message
It's the fact
You wont call back
That twists the knife that's in my back
This is my third message

And we do what we love
(This isn't helping)

This is inexcusable
All our work
All our hope
Vanished in a ball of smoke

And we do what we love
And we hope without hope
And we mean it
And we weep and we bleed
And we hope and we hope
And we only love you
Hope you feel it

These are the pieces
Of my heart
Of my trust
Of discussion between us
These are the pieces

Mirror lyrics:

These are the pieces
Of discussion between us
Of my trust
Of my heart
These are the pieces

Hope you feel it
And we only love you
And we hope and we hope
And we weep and we bleed
And we mean it
And we hope without hope
And we do what we love

Vanished in a ball of smoke
All our hope
All our work
This is inexcusable

(This isn't helping)
And we do what we love

This is my third message
That twists the knife that's in my back
You wont call back
It's the fact
This is my third message

Relevant Tags:
WWe OOnly LLove YYou e nly ove ou eW nOly oLve oYu ae knly kove gou aWe kOnly kLove gYou Wae Oknly Lkove Ygou 3e 9nly oove hou
3We 9Only oLove hYou W3e O9nly Loove Yhou de 0nly pove 6ou dWe 0Only pLove 6You Wde O0nly Lpove Y6ou ee lnly uou eWe lOnly Lve uYou
Wee Olnly Lvoe Yuou se inly Lkve 7ou sWe iOnly 7You Wse Oinly Lokve Y7ou 2e Onnly L9ve jou 2We Oly L9ove jYou W2e Olny Lo9ve Yjou
qe Omly L0ve tou qWe Omnly L0ove tYou Wqe Onmly Lo0ve Ytou Ohly Llve Yoou W Ohnly Llove Yu We Onhly Lolve Yuo Ws Ojly Live Yku
Ojnly Liove Ykou Wes Onjly Loive Yoku W3 Obly Lovve Y9u Obnly Loe Y9ou We3 Onbly Loev Yo9u Wf Onlly Lobe Y0u Wfe Ony Lobve Y0ou

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