Only For You

She is so pretty but if she only knew
I only do it when I'm thinking of you
I hit the ceiling when the lights are low
You are my fantasy I won't let it go

Whatever else is in the back of my skull
I have for you the most compassion of all
I like the colour of the holes in your eyes
I wanna kiss you on the top of your thigh

Look at me
Look what you've done to me
I'm shaking uncontrollably
Stuck in this fantasy
I'm thinking things I shouldn't be
Burn myself out for you
I wouldn't but I have to
Only for you

Whatever else is in the back of my skull
I have for you the most compassion of all
I like the colour of the holes in your eyes
I wanna kiss you on the top of your thigh

Look at me
Look what you've done to me
I'm shaking uncontrollably
Stuck in this fantasy
I'm thinking things I shouldn't be
Burn myself out for you
I wouldn't but I have to
Only for you
If only for you x4

Mirror lyrics:

If only for you x4
Only for you
I wouldn't but I have to
Burn myself out for you
I'm thinking things I shouldn't be
Stuck in this fantasy
I'm shaking uncontrollably
Look what you've done to me
Look at me

I wanna kiss you on the top of your thigh
I like the colour of the holes in your eyes
I have for you the most compassion of all
Whatever else is in the back of my skull

Only for you
I wouldn't but I have to
Burn myself out for you
I'm thinking things I shouldn't be
Stuck in this fantasy
I'm shaking uncontrollably
Look what you've done to me
Look at me

I wanna kiss you on the top of your thigh
I like the colour of the holes in your eyes
I have for you the most compassion of all
Whatever else is in the back of my skull

You are my fantasy I won't let it go
I hit the ceiling when the lights are low
I only do it when I'm thinking of you
She is so pretty but if she only knew

Relevant Tags:
OOnly FFor YYou nly or ou nOly oFr oYu knly cor gou kOnly cFor gYou Oknly Fcor Ygou 9nly ror hou 9Only rFor hYou O9nly Fror Yhou
0nly gor 6ou 0Only gFor 6You O0nly Fgor Y6ou lnly tor uou lOnly tFor uYou Olnly Ftor Yuou inly vor 7ou iOnly vFor 7You Oinly Fvor Y7ou
Onnly dor jou Oly dFor jYou Olny Fdor Yjou Omly Foor tou Omnly Fr tYou Onmly Fro Ytou Ohly Fkr Yoou Ohnly Fkor Yu Onhly Fokr Yuo
Ojly F9r Yku Ojnly F9or Ykou Onjly Fo9r Yoku Obly F0r Y9u Obnly F0or Y9ou Onbly Fo0r Yo9u Onlly Flr Y0u Ony Flor Y0ou

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