Hammers Yellow
(i Could Never) Repay Baby

remembering how I used to feel
but I'm holding my head up
knowing that my bed is holding you
I'm holding my breath
I'm holding my arms out to you
I could never get
out from underneath this debt
the debt of kicking my broken soul
and breathing the life into me
I couldn't walk enough miles
I couldn't rope enough sky to give you
I could never repay baby
all that I owe
Don't ever leave me alone
I couldn't face the streets that I've roamed
I couldn't face another minute without you baby

since you put your spell on me
I've shut my eyes
stopped my cries
I'm mesmerized
baby by you
I could never repay you
You never asked me for anything
When I'd give it all to you
All I ask is a little look
a nod
a grin
Won't you let me in your room?

Mirror lyrics:

Won't you let me in your room?
a grin
a nod
All I ask is a little look
When I'd give it all to you
You never asked me for anything
I could never repay you
baby by you
I'm mesmerized
stopped my cries
I've shut my eyes
since you put your spell on me

I couldn't face another minute without you baby
I couldn't face the streets that I've roamed
Don't ever leave me alone
all that I owe
I could never repay baby
I couldn't rope enough sky to give you
I couldn't walk enough miles
and breathing the life into me
the debt of kicking my broken soul
out from underneath this debt
I could never get
I'm holding my arms out to you
I'm holding my breath
knowing that my bed is holding you
but I'm holding my head up
remembering how I used to feel

Relevant Tags:
((i CCould NNever) RRepay BBaby i ould ever) epay aby i( oCuld eNver) eRpay aBby (ii fould mever) depay vaby ( fCould mNever) dRepay vBaby
(i Cfould Nmever) Rdepay Bvaby (j xould hever) 4epay gaby (ji xCould hNever) 4Repay gBaby (ij Cxould Nhever) R4epay Bgaby (9 vould jever) gepay naby
(9i vCould jNever) gRepay nBaby (i9 Cvould Njever) Rgepay Bnaby (l dould bever) tepay haby (li dCould bNever) tRepay hBaby (il Cdould Nbever) Rtepay Bhaby
(o Coould Neever) 5epay Baaby (oi Culd Nver) 5Repay Bby (io Cuold Nveer) R5epay Bbay (k Ckuld Nsver) fepay Bzby (ki Ckould Nsever) fRepay Bzaby
(ik Cokuld Nesver) Rfepay Bazby (8 C9uld N3ver) eepay Bqby (8i C9ould N3ever) eRepay Bqaby (i8 Co9uld Ne3ver) Reepay Baqby (u C0uld Nfver) Bsby
(ui C0ould Nfever) Rpay Bsaby (iu Co0uld Nefver) Rpeay Basby Cluld Nrver) Rspay Bwby Clould Nrever) Rsepay Bwaby Coluld Nerver) Respay Bawby
Ciuld N4ver) R3pay Bxby Ciould N4ever) R3epay Bxaby Coiuld Ne4ver) Re3pay Baxby Couuld Ndver) Rfpay Babby Cold Ndever) Bay
Colud Nedver) Refpay Bayb Cohld Nwver) Rrpay Bavy Cohuld Nwever) Rrepay Bavby Couhld Newver) Rerpay Babvy Co7ld Nevver) R4pay Bagy
Co7uld Neer) Bagby Cou7ld Neevr) Re4pay Babgy Cokld Neber) Rdpay Bany Nebver) Banby Coukld Nevber) Redpay Babny
Coild Necer) Rwpay Bahy Necver) Rwepay Bahby Couild Nevcer) Rewpay Babhy Co8ld Neger) Reppay Babyy

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