Hana Pestle
Starting To Like This

This morning's no more disorienting
than any morning before...
But the walls imposing
Now are laughing hysterically

So I argued with the mirror
over the validity of this dream

You know that nothing you see is real
Surely this can't be real...

I gotta get up, get out of here
I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this

I ran through the floor's hands
They clawed at me
Like the sand beneath the ocean
and the monsters of the deep...

You know that nothing you see is real
Surely this can't be real...

I gotta get up, get out of here
I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this

I gotta get up, get out of here
I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this

I gotta get up, get out of here
I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this

Mirror lyrics:

I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this
I gotta get up, get out of here

I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this
I gotta get up, get out of here

I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this
I gotta get up, get out of here

Surely this can't be real...
You know that nothing you see is real

and the monsters of the deep...
Like the sand beneath the ocean
They clawed at me
I ran through the floor's hands

I think I'm starting to like this
It's really quite fun to fight the fear
I think I'm starting to like this
I gotta get up, get out of here

Surely this can't be real...
You know that nothing you see is real

over the validity of this dream
So I argued with the mirror

Now are laughing hysterically
But the walls imposing
than any morning before...
This morning's no more disorienting

Relevant Tags:
SStarting TTo LLike TThis tarting o ike his tSarting oT iLke hTis ztarting fo kike fhis zStarting fTo kLike fThis Sztarting Tfo Lkike Tfhis
wtarting 5o oike 5his wStarting 5To oLike 5This Swtarting T5o Loike T5his dtarting ho pike hhis dStarting hTo pLike hThis Sdtarting Tho Lpike Thhis
etarting yo Liike yhis eStarting yTo Lke yThis Setarting Tyo Lkie Tyhis xtarting 6o Ljke 6his xStarting 6To Ljike 6This Sxtarting T6o Lijke T6his
atarting go L9ke ghis aStarting gTo L9ike gThis Satarting Tgo Li9ke Tghis Sttarting ro Llke rhis Sarting rTo Llike rThis Satrting Tro Lilke Trhis
Sfarting Too Loke Sftarting T Tis Stfarting To Lioke Tihs S5arting Tk Lkke Tjis S5tarting Tko Tjhis St5arting Tok Likke Thjis
Sharting T9 L8ke Tuis Shtarting T9o L8ike Tuhis Stharting To9 Li8ke Thuis Syarting T0 Luke Tnis Sytarting T0o Luike Tnhis Styarting To0 Liuke Thnis
S6arting Tl Tbis S6tarting Tlo Lie Tbhis St6arting Tol Liek Thbis Sgarting Ti Lile Tgis Sgtarting Tio Stgarting Toi Likle Thgis
Srarting Lioe Tyis Srtarting Strarting Likoe Thyis Staarting Lime Thiis Strting Limke Ths Strating Likme Thsi
Stzrting Lije Thjs Stzarting Stazrting Likje Thijs Stqrting Liie Th9s Stqarting Th9is Staqrting Likie Thi9s
Stsrting Likee Thls Stsarting Lik Thlis Stasrting Like Thils Stwrting Liks Thos Stwarting Likse Thois Stawrting Likes Thios
Stxrting Lik3 Thks Stxarting Lik3e Thkis Staxrting Like3 Thiks Starrting Likf Th8s Stating Likfe Th8is Statring Likef Thi8s
Stadting Likr Thus Stadrting Likre Stardting Liker Thius Sta4ting Lik4 Thiss Sta4rting Lik4e Thi Star4ting Like4 This
Stagting Likd Thiz Stagrting Likde Thizs Stargting Liked Thisz Statting Likw Thiw Statrting Likwe Thiws Startting Likew Thisw
Sta5ting Thid Sta5rting Thids Star5ting Thisd Stafting Thie

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