Hammers Of Misfortune
The Witch's Dance

Did you see the Wood-child's gaze
See the ancient fire in his eyes?
Did you hear the Ax as it sang
Thirsting to drink the blood of a king?

Did you see it flash to and fro
Glowing with a life all its own?
Did you see the tyrant fall
Headless in the torchlit hall?

Did you see the wood child
Tear the crown
From the severed head
Of the king?
Did you see the Tyrant
On a stake in the village square?

Could it be the end
Has come at last?
Could this be the prophesy
Come to pass?
Back in the town they
Celebrate times to come.
Here in the wood we dance
For the end has come.

Mirror lyrics:

For the end has come.
Here in the wood we dance
Celebrate times to come.
Back in the town they
Come to pass?
Could this be the prophesy
Has come at last?
Could it be the end

On a stake in the village square?
Did you see the Tyrant
Of the king?
From the severed head
Tear the crown
Did you see the wood child

Headless in the torchlit hall?
Did you see the tyrant fall
Glowing with a life all its own?
Did you see it flash to and fro

Thirsting to drink the blood of a king?
Did you hear the Ax as it sang
See the ancient fire in his eyes?
Did you see the Wood-child's gaze

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWitch's DDance he itch's ance hTe iWtch's aDnce fhe aitch's xance fThe aWitch's xDance Tfhe Waitch's Dxance
5he 3itch's eance 5The 3Witch's eDance T5he W3itch's Deance hhe ditch's fance hThe dWitch's fDance Thhe Wditch's Dfance
yhe eitch's rance yThe eWitch's rDance Tyhe Weitch's Drance 6he sitch's cance 6The sWitch's cDance T6he Wsitch's Dcance
ghe 2itch's sance gThe 2Witch's sDance Tghe W2itch's Dsance rhe qitch's Daance rThe qWitch's Dnce Trhe Wqitch's Dnace
Wiitch's Dznce Te Wtch's Dzance Teh Wtich's Daznce Tje Wjtch's Dqnce Tjhe Wjitch's Dqance Thje Wijtch's Daqnce
Tue W9tch's Dsnce Tuhe W9itch's Thue Wi9tch's Dasnce Tne Wltch's Dwnce Tnhe Wlitch's Dwance Thne Wiltch's Dawnce
Tbe Wotch's Dxnce Tbhe Woitch's Thbe Wiotch's Daxnce Tge Wktch's Dannce Wkitch's Dace Thge Wiktch's Dacne
Tye W8tch's Damce W8itch's Damnce Thye Wi8tch's Danmce Thee Wutch's Dahce Th Wuitch's Dahnce The Wiutch's Danhce
Ths Wittch's Dajce Thse Wich's Dajnce Thes Wicth's Danjce Th3 Wifch's Dabce Th3e Wiftch's Dabnce The3 Witfch's Danbce
Thf Wi5ch's Dancce Thfe Wi5tch's Dane Thef Wit5ch's Danec Thr Wihch's Danfe Thre Wihtch's Danfce Ther Withch's Dancfe
Th4 Wiych's Danxe Th4e Wiytch's Danxce The4 Witych's Dancxe Thd Wi6ch's Danve Thde Wi6tch's Danvce Thed Wit6ch's Dancve

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