Grã¶ã»p X
Sehventain Year Es

Thank you for calling the Waffle House can I help you?
Hello!, yes, yais.....Who is this?
This is Sue.
Alright, hello Sue.
I'm ready to place my order for food to take off home.
First.....two hot haim sandwaches are preety good.....and uh
You want what?
Two hot haim sandwaches and a salad bowl...and doo....doo, doo Mr. Cokes
I can't understand you.
Two cokes and.... Mr. Coke.....Two Mr. Cokes. Do you like those?
Do you have those to sell?
Have what?
Mr. Cooooookkkkeeee.....Mr. Coke....
Ya know like da drink with.. the drink...
Two cokes?
Two Mr. Cokes.
What else?
Two sandwiches.
What kind of samwich.
What kind do you ha....Samwich?
Is there an m in the american word of sandwich?
Bacon egg cheese, Ham egg cheese, BLT...
Wooahhh....good. Can you do that again is that a song?
Do it again one more time please.
Porter cheese, patty mayo, BLT, grilled ham and cheese, Grilled cheese
(sings along)
Good. You have been practicing your p's and q's..have you not.
What would you like?
I want the first one that you made on the list.
Porter cheese?
Wha...No could I get half of one?
Grilled ham and cheese?
No..just a half of...a half of a cheese.
Grilled ham and cheese?
No!!!! Who say hhham? No one here is saying hham!
Just tell me whatcha want I got ta go.
Alright, I want the quart...haif,
one half, one an a half of a quater cheese.
We dont have one and a half...We dont have half.
Deluxe, oh Deluxe definatly.
You dont have half? ALright, two and a half then.
We dont have halfs you want two?
*In southern drawl* Hafff?
What.. What does tha..Oh!
You were saying what I was saying in a different way.
You want two grilled ham and cheese? want two cheese deluxe.
Two grilled cheese deluxe?
With a side of mayonaise. Mackshmayenose.
Two grilled cheese with...
No! What dey fudge! Not grilled cheese, two quater cheeses.
Two quater cheese?
DELUXE! Cmon misses you dont you are not...
Speak english and I can understand you.
How long have you been working at this place?
Ive been here 17 years, how long uve been in America?
Ooohhhh now youve done it.
Now youve fudged the bucket and told me too many words too know.
Do you want anything?
Yes I do. Im ready to order now.
Two porter cheese?
Two big deluxes.
OK. What else?
A Mikshake.
We dont have milkshakes.
Ah..Na..God damnit......You say youve been working here soooo long,
like a hot shot, buyt you dont even know what you have.
Alright list *she hangs up*

Mirror lyrics:

Alright list *she hangs up*
like a hot shot, buyt you dont even know what you have.
Ah..Na..God damnit......You say youve been working here soooo long,
We dont have milkshakes.
A Mikshake.
OK. What else?
Two big deluxes.
Two porter cheese?
Yes I do. Im ready to order now.
Do you want anything?
Now youve fudged the bucket and told me too many words too know.
Ooohhhh now youve done it.
Ive been here 17 years, how long uve been in America?
How long have you been working at this place?
Speak english and I can understand you.
DELUXE! Cmon misses you dont you are not...
Two quater cheese?
No! What dey fudge! Not grilled cheese, two quater cheeses.
Two grilled cheese with...
With a side of mayonaise. Mackshmayenose.
Two grilled cheese deluxe? want two cheese deluxe.
You want two grilled ham and cheese?
You were saying what I was saying in a different way.
What.. What does tha..Oh!
*In southern drawl* Hafff?
We dont have halfs you want two?
You dont have half? ALright, two and a half then.
Deluxe, oh Deluxe definatly.
We dont have one and a half...We dont have half.
one half, one an a half of a quater cheese.
Alright, I want the quart...haif,
Just tell me whatcha want I got ta go.
No!!!! Who say hhham? No one here is saying hham!
Grilled ham and cheese?
No..just a half of...a half of a cheese.
Grilled ham and cheese?
Wha...No could I get half of one?
Porter cheese?
I want the first one that you made on the list.
What would you like?
Good. You have been practicing your p's and q's..have you not.
(sings along)
Porter cheese, patty mayo, BLT, grilled ham and cheese, Grilled cheese
Do it again one more time please.
Wooahhh....good. Can you do that again is that a song?
Bacon egg cheese, Ham egg cheese, BLT...
Is there an m in the american word of sandwich?
What kind do you ha....Samwich?
What kind of samwich.
Two sandwiches.
What else?
Two Mr. Cokes.
Two cokes?
Ya know like da drink with.. the drink...
Mr. Cooooookkkkeeee.....Mr. Coke....
Have what?
Do you have those to sell? Mr. Coke.....Two Mr. Cokes. Do you like those?
Two cokes and....
I can't understand you.
Two hot haim sandwaches and a salad bowl...and doo....doo, doo Mr. Cokes
You want what?
First.....two hot haim sandwaches are preety good.....and uh
I'm ready to place my order for food to take off home.
Alright, hello Sue.
This is Sue.
Hello!, yes, yais.....Who is this?
Thank you for calling the Waffle House can I help you?

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