Jethro Tull
Seal Driver

Take you away for my magic ship.
I have two hundred deisel horses thundering loud.
Sea birds call your name and the mountain's on fire
as the summer lightening cuts the sky like a hot wire.
And you ride on the swell and your heart is alive,
think I'll make you my seal driver.

I'm no great looker, I'm no fast shakes.
I'll give you a steady push on a six knot simmering
high tide.
I can hold us down --- keep our head to the wind,
or let us roll on the broadside, cold spray flying in,
and we'll ride on the swell and our hearts are alive.
Let me make you my seal driver.

I could captain you if you'd crew for me
follow white flecked spindrift --- float on a moonkissed sea.

Could you fancy me as a pirate bold,
or a longship Viking warrior with the old gods on
his side?
Well I'm an inshore man and I'm nobody's hero,
but I'll make you tight for a windy night and a dark
Let me take you in hand and bring you alive.
Going to make you my seal driver.

Mirror lyrics:

Going to make you my seal driver.
Let me take you in hand and bring you alive.
but I'll make you tight for a windy night and a dark
Well I'm an inshore man and I'm nobody's hero,
his side?
or a longship Viking warrior with the old gods on
Could you fancy me as a pirate bold,

follow white flecked spindrift --- float on a moonkissed sea.
I could captain you if you'd crew for me

Let me make you my seal driver.
and we'll ride on the swell and our hearts are alive.
or let us roll on the broadside, cold spray flying in,
I can hold us down --- keep our head to the wind,
high tide.
I'll give you a steady push on a six knot simmering
I'm no great looker, I'm no fast shakes.

think I'll make you my seal driver.
And you ride on the swell and your heart is alive,
as the summer lightening cuts the sky like a hot wire.
Sea birds call your name and the mountain's on fire
I have two hundred deisel horses thundering loud.
Take you away for my magic ship.

Relevant Tags:
SSeal DDriver eal river eSal rDiver zeal xriver zSeal xDriver Szeal Dxriver weal eriver wSeal eDriver Sweal Deriver deal friver
dSeal fDriver Sdeal Dfriver eeal rriver eSeal rDriver Seeal Drriver xeal criver xSeal cDriver Sxeal Dcriver aeal sriver aSeal sDriver
Saeal Dsriver Sal Diver Sael Dirver Ssal Ddiver Sseal Ddriver Sesal Drdiver S3al D4iver S3eal D4river Se3al Dr4iver Sfal Dgiver
Sfeal Dgriver Sefal Drgiver Sral Dtiver Sreal Dtriver Seral Drtiver S4al D5iver S4eal D5river Se4al Dr5iver Sdal Dfiver Sedal Drfiver
Swal Deiver Sewal Dreiver Seaal Driiver Sel Drver Sela Drvier Sezl Drjver Sezal Drjiver Seazl Drijver Seql Dr9ver Seqal Dr9iver
Seaql Dri9ver Sesl Drlver Drliver Seasl Drilver Sewl Drover Droiver Seawl Driover Sexl Drkver Sexal Drkiver

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