Jethro Tull
Some Day The Sun Won't Shine For You

In the morning -- gonna get my things together
Packing up, I'm leaving this place
I don't believe you'll cry
There'll be a smile upon your face

I didn't think how much you'd hurt me
That's something I laugh about
Bring in the good times, baby
And let the bad times out

That old sun keeps on shining
But someday it won't shine for you
In the morning I'll be leaving
I'll leave your mother too

Mirror lyrics:

I'll leave your mother too
In the morning I'll be leaving
But someday it won't shine for you
That old sun keeps on shining

And let the bad times out
Bring in the good times, baby
That's something I laugh about
I didn't think how much you'd hurt me

There'll be a smile upon your face
I don't believe you'll cry
Packing up, I'm leaving this place
In the morning -- gonna get my things together

Relevant Tags:
SSome DDay TThe SSun WWon't SShine FFor YYou ome ay he un on't hine or ou oSme aDy hTe uSn oWn't hSine oFr oYu zome xay fhe zun aon't zhine cor gou
zSome xDay fThe zSun aWon't zShine cFor gYou Szome Dxay Tfhe Szun Waon't Szhine Fcor Ygou wome eay 5he wun 3on't whine ror hou wSome eDay 5The wSun 3Won't wShine rFor hYou
Swome Deay T5he Swun W3on't Swhine Fror Yhou dome fay hhe dun don't dhine gor 6ou dSome fDay hThe dSun dWon't dShine gFor 6You Sdome Dfay Thhe Sdun Wdon't Sdhine Fgor Y6ou
eome ray yhe eun eon't ehine tor uou eSome rDay yThe eSun eWon't eShine tFor uYou Seome Dray Tyhe Seun Weon't Sehine Ftor Yuou xome cay 6he xun son't xhine vor 7ou
xSome cDay 6The xSun sWon't xShine vFor 7You Sxome Dcay T6he Sxun Wson't Sxhine Fvor Y7ou aome say ghe aun 2on't ahine dor jou aSome sDay gThe aSun 2Won't aShine dFor jYou
Saome Dsay Tghe Saun W2on't Sahine Fdor Yjou Soome Daay rhe Suun qon't Shhine Foor tou Sme Dy rThe Sn qWon't Sine Fr tYou Smoe Dya Trhe Snu Wqon't Sihne Fro Ytou
Skme Dzy Shn Woon't Sjine Fkr Yoou Skome Dzay Te Shun Wn't Sjhine Fkor Yu Sokme Dazy Teh Suhn Wno't Shjine Fokr Yuo S9me Dqy Tje S7n Wkn't Suine F9r Yku
S9ome Dqay Tjhe S7un Wkon't Suhine F9or Ykou So9me Daqy Thje Su7n Wokn't Shuine Fo9r Yoku S0me Dsy Tue Skn W9n't Snine F0r Y9u S0ome Tuhe Skun W9on't Snhine F0or Y9ou
So0me Dasy Thue Sukn Wo9n't Shnine Fo0r Yo9u Slme Dwy Tne Sin W0n't Sbine Flr Y0u Slome Dway Tnhe Siun W0on't Sbhine Flor Y0ou Solme Dawy Thne Suin Wo0n't Shbine Folr Yo0u
Sime Dxy Tbe S8n Wln't Sgine Fir Ylu Siome Tbhe S8un Wlon't Sghine Fior Ylou Soime Daxy Thbe Su8n Woln't Shgine Foir Yolu Somme Dayy Tge Sjn Win't Syine Forr Yiu
Soe Da Sjun Wion't Syhine Fo Yiou Soem Day Thge Sujn Woin't Shyine For Yoiu Soje Dag Tye Syn Wonn't Shiine Fod Youu Sojme Dagy Syun Wo't Shne Fodr Yo
Somje Dayg Thye Suyn Wo'nt Shnie Ford You Soke Dah Thee Sunn Wom't Shjne Fo4 Yoh Dahy Th Su Womn't Fo4r Yohu Somke Dayh The Sun Wonm't Shijne For4 Youh
Sone Da6 Ths Sum Woh't Sh9ne Fog Yo7 Sonme Da6y Thse Sumn Wohn't Sh9ine Fogr Yo7u Somne Day6 Thes Sunm Wonh't Shi9ne Forg You7

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