Jethro Tull
Rosa On The Factory Floor

She moves with machinery for the fancy sports car trade.
Part of the industrial process: she sees that they stay made.
She works from early A.M.. They work her to the bone.
When I call her in the evening, she's too tired to lift the phone.

Damned if I'll wait for her, and I'll be damned if I don't.
Damned if I only see that Rosa on the factory floor.

Signed on for the duration. They say she came from the East.
With her tool bag and her coveralls, to pay the rent at least.
She doesn't talk with workers on the rest of the line
and over in the canteen, she's alone most of the time.

Somewhere in her history is a lock without a key.
She doesn't trust the management--and she won't trust me.
We're two different animals. We live jungles apart.
She circles round her freedom and I circle round her heart.

Mirror lyrics:

She circles round her freedom and I circle round her heart.
We're two different animals. We live jungles apart.
She doesn't trust the management--and she won't trust me.
Somewhere in her history is a lock without a key.

and over in the canteen, she's alone most of the time.
She doesn't talk with workers on the rest of the line
With her tool bag and her coveralls, to pay the rent at least.
Signed on for the duration. They say she came from the East.

Damned if I only see that Rosa on the factory floor.
Damned if I'll wait for her, and I'll be damned if I don't.

When I call her in the evening, she's too tired to lift the phone.
She works from early A.M.. They work her to the bone.
Part of the industrial process: she sees that they stay made.
She moves with machinery for the fancy sports car trade.

Relevant Tags:
RRosa OOn TThe FFactory FFloor osa n he actory loor oRsa nO hTe aFctory lFoor dosa kn fhe cactory cloor dRosa kOn fThe cFactory cFloor
Rdosa Okn Tfhe Fcactory Fcloor 4osa 9n 5he ractory rloor 4Rosa 9On 5The rFactory rFloor R4osa O9n T5he Fractory Frloor gosa 0n hhe gactory gloor
gRosa 0On hThe gFactory gFloor Rgosa O0n Thhe Fgactory Fgloor tosa ln yhe tactory tloor tRosa lOn yThe tFactory tFloor Rtosa Oln Tyhe Ftactory Ftloor
5osa in 6he vactory vloor 5Rosa iOn 6The vFactory vFloor R5osa Oin T6he Fvactory Fvloor fosa Onn ghe dactory dloor fRosa O gThe dFactory dFloor
Rfosa On Tghe Fdactory Fdloor eosa Om rhe Faactory Flloor eRosa Omn rThe Fctory Foor Reosa Onm Trhe Fcatory Folor Roosa Oh Fzctory Fkoor
Rsa Ohn Te Fzactory Fkloor Rsoa Onh Teh Fazctory Flkoor Rksa Oj Tje Fqctory Fooor Rkosa Ojn Tjhe Fqactory Foloor Roksa Onj Thje Faqctory Flooor
R9sa Ob Tue Fsctory Fpoor R9osa Obn Tuhe Fsactory Fploor Ro9sa Onb Thue Fasctory Flpoor R0sa Tne Fwctory R0osa Tnhe Fwactory Flor
Ro0sa Thne Fawctory Floor Rlsa Tbe Fxctory Flkor Rlosa Tbhe Fxactory Rolsa Thbe Faxctory Flokor Risa Tge Facctory Fl9or
Riosa Fatory Fl9oor Roisa Thge Fatcory Flo9or Rossa Tye Faftory Fl0or Roa Fafctory Fl0oor Roas Thye Facftory Flo0or
Roza Thee Faxtory Fllor Rozsa Th Rosza The Facxtory Flolor Rowa Ths Favtory Flior Rowsa Thse Favctory Flioor
Roswa Thes Facvtory Floior Roda Th3 Fadtory Rodsa Th3e Fadctory Rosda The3 Facdtory Floro Roea Thf Facttory Flokr
Roesa Thfe Facory Rosea Thef Facotry Flookr Roxa Thr Facfory Flo9r Roxsa Thre Rosxa Ther Factfory Floo9r
Roaa Th4 Fac5ory Flo0r Roasa Th4e Fac5tory Rosaa The4 Fact5ory Floo0r Thd Fachory Flolr Ros Thde Fachtory
Rosa Thed Facthory Floolr Rosz Thw Facyory Floir Thwe Facytory Rosaz Thew Factyory Flooir Rosq Fac6ory Floorr

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