Two Become One

I watch you while you're sleeping
Messy hair, chest bare
Moonlight on your skin
I wanna breathe you in
In the silence words come easy
I can tell you now just how simple it's been
To let you in
Don't move this mood is a painting
We'll never find the same thing

Love do not make a sound
Melt into me now
Two become one

Love is so close to hurting
With a shake we could wake
From our own dreaming
We must make a vow
'Cause I have waited a lifetime
Now is the right time

Love do not make a sound
Melt into me now
Two become one

Like a bird owns it's wings
Like song belongs to melody
You belong to me
I fold your arms around me
Let you flesh, your breath, your love surround me
Oh you feel like home

Love do not make a sound
Melt into me now
Two become one
Oh let's make time stand still
Let this moment last until
Two become one

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Become one [x2]

Mirror lyrics:

Become one [x2]
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Two become one
Let this moment last until
Oh let's make time stand still
Two become one
Melt into me now
Love do not make a sound

Oh you feel like home
Let you flesh, your breath, your love surround me
I fold your arms around me
You belong to me
Like song belongs to melody
Like a bird owns it's wings

Two become one
Melt into me now
Love do not make a sound

Now is the right time
'Cause I have waited a lifetime
We must make a vow
From our own dreaming
With a shake we could wake
Love is so close to hurting

Two become one
Melt into me now
Love do not make a sound

We'll never find the same thing
Don't move this mood is a painting
To let you in
I can tell you now just how simple it's been
In the silence words come easy
I wanna breathe you in
Moonlight on your skin
Messy hair, chest bare
I watch you while you're sleeping

Relevant Tags:
TTwo BBecome OOne wo ecome ne wTo eBcome nOe fwo vecome kne fTwo vBecome kOne Tfwo Bvecome Okne 5wo gecome 9ne 5Two gBecome 9One
T5wo Bgecome O9ne hwo necome 0ne hTwo nBecome 0One Thwo Bnecome O0ne ywo hecome lne yTwo hBecome lOne Tywo Bhecome Olne 6wo Beecome ine
6Two Bcome iOne T6wo Bceome Oine gwo Bscome Onne gTwo Bsecome Oe Tgwo Bescome Oen rwo B3come Ome rTwo B3ecome Omne Trwo Be3come Onme
Twwo Bfcome Ohe To Bfecome Ohne Tow Befcome Onhe Tao Brcome Oje Tawo Brecome Ojne Twao Bercome Onje T3o B4come Obe T3wo B4ecome Obne
Tw3o Be4come Onbe Tdo Bdcome Onee Tdwo Bdecome On Twdo Bedcome One Teo Bwcome Ons Tewo Bwecome Onse Tweo Bewcome Ones Tso Beccome On3
Tswo Beome On3e Twso Beocme One3 T2o Befome Onf T2wo Onfe Tw2o Becfome Onef Tqo Bexome Onr Tqwo Bexcome Onre Twqo Becxome Oner
Twoo Bevome On4 Tw Bevcome On4e Two Becvome One4 Twk Bedome Ond Twko Onde

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