Fragile Heart

If you want my heart
You have to promise not to tear it apart
Cause my heart has been hurt enough
And it always seems love is not sweet, like it in dreams
somethin falls through
and I don't want that to happen to me and you

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

Last Saturday, we ate dinner at your parent's place
Last Saturday, you said how you feel we'll not go away
With all the fishes in the sea, they could not be as happy as me

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

I'm a fool for you, but nothing changes
nothing leaves but I need to believe that
we at least will have some dignity
Everything changes, nothing stays the same
but thats no excuse to be casual or to play
the blame you have to be careful with me

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

Mirror lyrics:

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

the blame you have to be careful with me
but thats no excuse to be casual or to play
Everything changes, nothing stays the same
we at least will have some dignity
nothing leaves but I need to believe that
I'm a fool for you, but nothing changes

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

With all the fishes in the sea, they could not be as happy as me
Last Saturday, you said how you feel we'll not go away
Last Saturday, we ate dinner at your parent's place

Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart
Slow beat, Careful, Warning, Fragile Heart

and I don't want that to happen to me and you
somethin falls through
And it always seems love is not sweet, like it in dreams
Cause my heart has been hurt enough
You have to promise not to tear it apart
If you want my heart

Relevant Tags:
FFragile HHeart ragile eart rFagile eHart cragile jeart cFragile jHeart Fcragile Hjeart rragile ueart rFragile uHeart Frragile Hueart
gragile neart gFragile nHeart Fgragile Hneart tragile beart tFragile bHeart Ftragile Hbeart vragile geart vFragile gHeart Fvragile Hgeart
dragile yeart dFragile yHeart Fdragile Hyeart Heeart Fagile Hart Fargile Haert Fdagile Hsart Hseart Frdagile Hesart
F4agile H3art F4ragile H3eart Fr4agile He3art Fgagile Hfart Hfeart Frgagile Hefart Ftagile Hrart Hreart Frtagile Herart
F5agile H4art F5ragile H4eart Fr5agile He4art Ffagile Hdart Ffragile Hdeart Frfagile Hedart Feagile Hwart Feragile Hweart Freagile Hewart
Fraagile Heaart Frgile Hert Frgaile Herat Frzgile Hezrt Frzagile Hezart Frazgile Heazrt Frqgile Heqrt Frqagile Heqart Fraqgile Heaqrt
Frsgile Hesrt Frsagile Frasgile Heasrt Frwgile Hewrt Frwagile Frawgile Heawrt Frxgile Hexrt Frxagile Hexart Fraxgile Heaxrt
Fraggile Hearrt Fraile Heat Fraigle Heatr Frahile Headt Frahgile Headrt Fraghile Heardt

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