Jetty Rae
Favorite Song

You are my favorite song that I have ever heard
Boy you're my sunshine yes you are and so much more

You are the best friend that I have ever had
You love me when I'm angry, you love me when I am mad

You are the kindest soul that I have ever known
Oh baby in your arms, that's where I am home

If you can stand all my pretending
If you can stand all my spending
If you can stand all my drama
Then I guess I can stand your mama

You are the most handsome man that I have ever seen
I could travel back a thousand years, search through all of history

You are the smartest man that I have ever met
All our babies will be smart as you, Oh I'm all set

You are the bravest soul that I have ever known
After all you're marrying me, it's not to late to say no

I can stand all your technology
Just know that it's not in my biology
I can stand the way you eat cereal
Just as long as you always treat me imperial

You are my favorite song that I have ever heard
I could sing your song all day long, not get sick of one single word

You are my Mr. Bear, I would be your Mrs. anywhere
From Rome to Tokyo, it's real love you know

You are my chocolate sunrise, my constant love
My sweet surprise, oh I love those eyes

If you can stand all my pretending
If you can stand all my spending
If you can stand all my drama
Then I can stand all your technology
Just know that it's not in my biology
I can stand the way you eat cereal
Just as long as we always treat each other imperial

Mirror lyrics:

Just as long as we always treat each other imperial
I can stand the way you eat cereal
Just know that it's not in my biology
Then I can stand all your technology
If you can stand all my drama
If you can stand all my spending
If you can stand all my pretending

My sweet surprise, oh I love those eyes
You are my chocolate sunrise, my constant love

From Rome to Tokyo, it's real love you know
You are my Mr. Bear, I would be your Mrs. anywhere

I could sing your song all day long, not get sick of one single word
You are my favorite song that I have ever heard

Just as long as you always treat me imperial
I can stand the way you eat cereal
Just know that it's not in my biology
I can stand all your technology

After all you're marrying me, it's not to late to say no
You are the bravest soul that I have ever known

All our babies will be smart as you, Oh I'm all set
You are the smartest man that I have ever met

I could travel back a thousand years, search through all of history
You are the most handsome man that I have ever seen

Then I guess I can stand your mama
If you can stand all my drama
If you can stand all my spending
If you can stand all my pretending

Oh baby in your arms, that's where I am home
You are the kindest soul that I have ever known

You love me when I'm angry, you love me when I am mad
You are the best friend that I have ever had

Boy you're my sunshine yes you are and so much more
You are my favorite song that I have ever heard

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