You Got It All

I, I was a game he would play
He brought the clouds to my day
Then like a ray of light
You came my way one night
Just one look and I knew
You would make everything clear
Make all the clouds disappear
Put all your fears to rest
Who do i love the best?
Don't you know, don't you know

You got it all over him
You got me over him
Honey it's true
There's just you
You must have been heaven sent
Hearing me call you went
Out on a limb
And you're all that he's not
Just look what I got
Cause you got it all
Over him

No, don't let him worry you so
Once I met you I let go
Oh you can surely see
You're so much more to me
Just one look and I knew
You would make everything clear
Make all the clouds disappear
You're better than all the rest
Who do I love the best
Don't you know, don't you know

You got it all over him
You got me over him
Honey it's true
There's just you
You must have been heaven sent
Hearing me call you went
Out on a limb
And you're all that he's not
Just look what I got
Cause you got it all
All over him
(You got it all over him, You got me over him)
Honey it's true there's just you
You must have been heaven sent
Hearing me call you went
Out on a limb
And you're all that he's not
Just look what I got
Cause you got it all
All over him

Mirror lyrics:

All over him
Cause you got it all
Just look what I got
And you're all that he's not
Out on a limb
Hearing me call you went
You must have been heaven sent
Honey it's true there's just you
(You got it all over him, You got me over him)
All over him
Cause you got it all
Just look what I got
And you're all that he's not
Out on a limb
Hearing me call you went
You must have been heaven sent
There's just you
Honey it's true
You got me over him
You got it all over him

Don't you know, don't you know
Who do I love the best
You're better than all the rest
Make all the clouds disappear
You would make everything clear
Just one look and I knew
You're so much more to me
Oh you can surely see
Once I met you I let go
No, don't let him worry you so

Over him
Cause you got it all
Just look what I got
And you're all that he's not
Out on a limb
Hearing me call you went
You must have been heaven sent
There's just you
Honey it's true
You got me over him
You got it all over him

Don't you know, don't you know
Who do i love the best?
Put all your fears to rest
Make all the clouds disappear
You would make everything clear
Just one look and I knew
You came my way one night
Then like a ray of light
He brought the clouds to my day
I, I was a game he would play

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGot IIt AAll ou ot t ll oYu oGt tI lAl gou hot jt zll gYou hGot jIt zAll Ygou Ghot Ijt Azll hou yot 9t qll hYou yGot 9It qAll
Yhou Gyot I9t Aqll 6ou bot lt sll 6You bGot lIt sAll Y6ou Gbot Ilt Asll uou vot ot wll uYou vGot oIt wAll Yuou Gvot Iot Awll 7ou fot kt xll
7You fGot kIt xAll Y7ou Gfot Ikt Axll jou tot 8t Alll jYou tGot 8It Al Yjou Gtot I8t All tou Goot ut Akl tYou Gt uIt Akll Ytou Gto Iut Alkl
Yoou Gkt Itt Aol Yu Gkot I Aoll Yuo Gokt It Alol Yku G9t If Apl Ykou G9ot Ift Apll Yoku Go9t Itf Alpl Y9u G0t I5 Y9ou G0ot I5t

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