Take Me Somewhere

Baby, baby, don't let this be, one more night with
My hand's covering me.
Tell me something, what does it take? You see through
Me clear as if glass, and I am willing to break,
But I'm begging you please, maybe just stay by my side,
I know I seem right, when I'm wrong
But baby forgive me tonight...

And I say... stay with me, stay with me, stay with me,
Stay... cause this might be all I can show, and all
You are willing to take, and you say just
Run with me, run with me, run with me, run...
And I may fall short at the start,
But I am willing to learn, from you...

Take me somewhere, take me with you. Let your
Body be whole, let me see what you do...
Just cover my eyes, and capture my soul, let your
Hands ride in mine, let me feel what you know.
And I'm starting to fall, are you ready to catch me
This time? And I am breathing for you, and your
Breathing for me, the same time...

And I say... stay with me, stay with me, stay with me,
Stay... cause this might be all I can show, and all
You are willing to take, but you say just...
Run with me, run with me, run with me, run, as my
Body goes weak in your hands, now I am willing
To let go with you, and as my body goes
Weak in your hands now I am willing to let go with you.

Mirror lyrics:

Weak in your hands now I am willing to let go with you.
To let go with you, and as my body goes
Body goes weak in your hands, now I am willing
Run with me, run with me, run with me, run, as my
You are willing to take, but you say just...
Stay... cause this might be all I can show, and all
And I say... stay with me, stay with me, stay with me,

Breathing for me, the same time...
This time? And I am breathing for you, and your
And I'm starting to fall, are you ready to catch me
Hands ride in mine, let me feel what you know.
Just cover my eyes, and capture my soul, let your
Body be whole, let me see what you do...
Take me somewhere, take me with you. Let your

But I am willing to learn, from you...
And I may fall short at the start,
Run with me, run with me, run with me, run...
You are willing to take, and you say just
Stay... cause this might be all I can show, and all
And I say... stay with me, stay with me, stay with me,

But baby forgive me tonight...
I know I seem right, when I'm wrong
But I'm begging you please, maybe just stay by my side,
Me clear as if glass, and I am willing to break,
Tell me something, what does it take? You see through
My hand's covering me.
Baby, baby, don't let this be, one more night with

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMe SSomewhere ake e omewhere aTke eM oSmewhere fake je zomewhere fTake jMe zSomewhere Tfake Mje Szomewhere
5ake ke womewhere 5Take kMe wSomewhere T5ake Mke Swomewhere hake ne domewhere hTake nMe dSomewhere Thake Mne Sdomewhere
yake Mee eomewhere yTake M eSomewhere Tyake Me Seomewhere 6ake Ms xomewhere 6Take Mse xSomewhere T6ake Mes Sxomewhere
gake M3 aomewhere gTake M3e aSomewhere Tgake Me3 Saomewhere rake Mf Soomewhere rTake Mfe Smewhere Trake Mef Smoewhere
Taake Mr Skmewhere Tke Mre Skomewhere Tkae Mer Sokmewhere Tzke M4 S9mewhere Tzake M4e S9omewhere Tazke Me4 So9mewhere
Tqke Md S0mewhere Tqake Mde S0omewhere Taqke Med So0mewhere Tske Mw Slmewhere Tsake Mwe Slomewhere Taske Mew Solmewhere
Twke Simewhere Twake Siomewhere Tawke Soimewhere Txke Sommewhere Txake Soewhere Taxke Soemwhere
Takke Sojewhere Tae Sojmewhere Taek Somjewhere Tale Sokewhere Talke Takle Somkewhere
Taoe Sonewhere Taoke Sonmewhere Takoe Somnewhere Tame Someewhere Tamke Somwhere Takme Somwehere
Taje Somswhere Tajke Somsewhere Takje Someswhere Taie Som3where Taike Som3ewhere Takie Some3where
Takee Somfwhere Tak Somfewhere Take Somefwhere Taks Somrwhere Takse Somrewhere Takes Somerwhere
Tak3 Som4where Tak3e Som4ewhere Take3 Some4where Takf Somdwhere Takfe Somdewhere Takef Somedwhere
Takr Somwwhere Takre Somwewhere Taker Somewwhere Tak4 Tak4e Somehere Take4 Somehwere
Takd Someahere Takde Someawhere Taked Somewahere Takw Some3here Takwe Takew Somew3here
Somedhere Somewdhere Someehere

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