Ordinary World

Came in from a rainy Thursday
on the avenue
thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV
and the radio
still I can't escape the ghost of you
What has happened to it all?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is the life that I recognize?
But I won't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
and as I try to make my way
to the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
Passion or coincidence
once prompted you to say
"Pride will tear us both apart"
Well now pride's gone out the window
cross the rooftops
run away
left me in the vacuum of my heart
What is happening to me?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
But I won't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
somehow I have to find
and as I try to make my way
to the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
Papers in the roadside
tell of suffering and greed
here today, forgot tomorrow
ooh, here besides the news
of holy war and holy need
ours is just a little sorrowed talk
And I don't cry for yesterday
there's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
and as I try to make my way
to the ordinary world
I will learn to survive
every one
any one
any one
every one

Mirror lyrics:

every one
any one
any one
every one
I will learn to survive
to the ordinary world
and as I try to make my way
Somehow I have to find
there's an ordinary world
And I don't cry for yesterday
ours is just a little sorrowed talk
of holy war and holy need
ooh, here besides the news
here today, forgot tomorrow
tell of suffering and greed
Papers in the roadside
I will learn to survive
to the ordinary world
and as I try to make my way
somehow I have to find
there's an ordinary world
But I won't cry for yesterday
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Crazy, some'd say
What is happening to me?
left me in the vacuum of my heart
run away
cross the rooftops
Well now pride's gone out the window
"Pride will tear us both apart"
once prompted you to say
Passion or coincidence
I will learn to survive
to the ordinary world
and as I try to make my way
Somehow I have to find
there's an ordinary world
But I won't cry for yesterday
Where is the life that I recognize?
Crazy, some'd say
What has happened to it all?
still I can't escape the ghost of you
and the radio
I turned on the lights, the TV
thought I heard you talking softly
on the avenue
Came in from a rainy Thursday

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O9rdinary W3orld 0rdinary dorld 0Ordinary dWorld O0rdinary Wdorld lrdinary eorld lOrdinary eWorld Olrdinary Weorld irdinary sorld
iOrdinary sWorld Oirdinary Wsorld Orrdinary 2orld Odinary 2World Odrinary W2orld Oddinary qorld Odrdinary qWorld Orddinary Wqorld
O4dinary Woorld O4rdinary Wrld Or4dinary Wrold Ogdinary Wkrld Ogrdinary Wkorld Orgdinary Wokrld Otdinary W9rld Otrdinary W9orld
Ortdinary Wo9rld O5dinary W0rld O5rdinary W0orld Or5dinary Wo0rld Ofdinary Wlrld Ofrdinary Wlorld Orfdinary Wolrld Oedinary Wirld
Oerdinary Wiorld Oredinary Woirld Worrld Orinary Wold Oridnary Wolrd Orxinary Wodld Orxdinary Wodrld Ordxinary Wordld
Oreinary Wo4ld Wo4rld Ordeinary Wor4ld Orfinary Wogld Wogrld Ordfinary Worgld Orrinary Wotld Wotrld
Ordrinary Wortld Orcinary Wo5ld Orcdinary Wo5rld Ordcinary Wor5ld Orsinary Wofld Orsdinary Wofrld Ordsinary Worfld Ordiinary Woeld
Ordnary Woerld Ordniary Woreld Ordjnary Worlld Ordjinary Word Ordijnary Wordl Ord9nary Workd Ord9inary Workld Ordi9nary Worlkd
Ordlnary Worod Ordlinary Worold Ordilnary Worlod Ordonary Worpd Ordoinary Worpld Ordionary Worlpd Ordknary Worldd Ordkinary Worl
Ordiknary World

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