Griffin House
Only If You Need Me

Well the sorrow in my heart
I can't feel anymore and I don't know what I'm gonna do
I been hardened by a world telling me what I need
And I job been keeping me from you
How we gonna see this through?
How you gonna love me when I'm gone?
Maybe we can work this out, maybe we can make this last...
But only if you need me...
Tell me so
Well I know you got your doubts
And it weighs on my mind
And the thoughts been kicking me around
I push too hard and I talk too much and I can't find a way to figure out...
If you in need me...
Tell me so
If you need me...
Just say so
‘Cause it's madness that I'm asked to choose...

Mirror lyrics:

‘Cause it's madness that I'm asked to choose...
Just say so
If you need me...
Tell me so
If you in need me...
I push too hard and I talk too much and I can't find a way to figure out...
And the thoughts been kicking me around
And it weighs on my mind
Well I know you got your doubts
Tell me so
But only if you need me...
Maybe we can work this out, maybe we can make this last...
How you gonna love me when I'm gone?
How we gonna see this through?
And I job been keeping me from you
I been hardened by a world telling me what I need
I can't feel anymore and I don't know what I'm gonna do
Well the sorrow in my heart

Relevant Tags:
OOnly IIf YYou NNeed MMe nly f ou eed e nOly fI oYu eNed eM knly jf gou meed je kOnly jIf gYou mNeed jMe Oknly Ijf Ygou Nmeed Mje
9nly 9f hou heed ke 9Only 9If hYou hNeed kMe O9nly I9f Yhou Nheed Mke 0nly lf 6ou jeed ne 0Only lIf 6You jNeed nMe O0nly Ilf Y6ou Njeed Mne
lnly of uou beed Mee lOnly oIf uYou bNeed M Olnly Iof Yuou Nbeed Me inly kf 7ou Neeed Ms iOnly kIf 7You Ned Mse Oinly Ikf Y7ou Need Mes
Onnly 8f jou Nsed M3 Oly 8If jYou Nseed M3e Olny I8f Yjou Nesed Me3 Omly uf tou N3ed Mf Omnly uIf tYou N3eed Mfe Onmly Iuf Ytou Ne3ed Mef
Ohly Iff Yoou Nfed Mr Ohnly I Yu Nfeed Mre Onhly If Yuo Nefed Mer Ojly Ic Yku Nred M4 Ojnly Icf Ykou Nreed M4e Onjly Ifc Yoku Nered Me4
Obly Ir Y9u N4ed Md Obnly Irf Y9ou N4eed Mde Onbly Ifr Yo9u Ne4ed Med Onlly Ig Y0u Nded Mw Ony Igf Y0ou Ndeed Mwe

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