Greg Graffin
Don't Be Afraid To Run

Down in the holler there's a thriving town
A treasure trove that makes the world go 'round,
When the city barons bring their legal papers and guns,
Oh darlin', don't be afraid to run

When we came to settle here we came to stay,
Maybe raise a family, earn a decent wage,
Now every public servant reeks of suspicion,
So darlin' don't be afraid to run

Darlin' don't be afraid to run,
And don't turn your back on the noonday sun,
Someday redemption will wash everyone,
But there's no telling when that day will come
So darlin' don't be afraid to run

Maybe we'll rendezvous out in nowheresville,
Or maybe we'll find each other runnin' still
Until we reach that auspicious liaison
Darlin' don't be afraid to run

Darlin' don't be afraid to run,
And don't turn your back on the noonday sun,
The people will greet you with derision,
You'll never be their model citizen
So darlin' don't be afraid to run

Mirror lyrics:

So darlin' don't be afraid to run
You'll never be their model citizen
The people will greet you with derision,
And don't turn your back on the noonday sun,
Darlin' don't be afraid to run,

Darlin' don't be afraid to run
Until we reach that auspicious liaison
Or maybe we'll find each other runnin' still
Maybe we'll rendezvous out in nowheresville,

So darlin' don't be afraid to run
But there's no telling when that day will come
Someday redemption will wash everyone,
And don't turn your back on the noonday sun,
Darlin' don't be afraid to run,

So darlin' don't be afraid to run
Now every public servant reeks of suspicion,
Maybe raise a family, earn a decent wage,
When we came to settle here we came to stay,

Oh darlin', don't be afraid to run
When the city barons bring their legal papers and guns,
A treasure trove that makes the world go 'round,
Down in the holler there's a thriving town

Relevant Tags:
DDon't BBe AAfraid TTo RRun on't e fraid o un oDn't eB fAraid oT uRn xon't ve zfraid fo dun xDon't vBe zAfraid fTo dRun Dxon't Bve Azfraid Tfo Rdun
eon't ge qfraid 5o 4un eDon't gBe qAfraid 5To 4Run Deon't Bge Aqfraid T5o R4un fon't ne sfraid ho gun fDon't nBe sAfraid hTo gRun Dfon't Bne Asfraid Tho Rgun
ron't he wfraid yo tun rDon't hBe wAfraid yTo tRun Dron't Bhe Awfraid Tyo Rtun con't Bee xfraid 6o 5un cDon't B xAfraid 6To 5Run Dcon't Be Axfraid T6o R5un
son't Bs Affraid go fun sDon't Bse Araid gTo fRun Dson't Bes Arfaid Tgo Rfun Doon't B3 Acraid ro eun Dn't B3e Acfraid rTo eRun Dno't Be3 Afcraid Tro Reun
Dkn't Bf Arraid Too Ruun Dkon't Bfe Arfraid T Rn Dokn't Bef Afrraid To Rnu D9n't Br Agraid Tk Rhn D9on't Bre Agfraid Tko Rhun Do9n't Ber Afgraid Tok Ruhn
D0n't B4 Atraid T9 R7n D0on't B4e Atfraid T9o R7un Do0n't Be4 Aftraid To9 Ru7n Dln't Bd Avraid T0 Rkn Dlon't Bde Avfraid T0o Rkun Doln't Bed Afvraid To0 Rukn
Din't Bw Adraid Tl Rin Dion't Bwe Adfraid Tlo Riun Doin't Bew Afdraid Tol Ruin Donn't Ti R8n Do't Afaid Tio R8un Do'nt Afarid Toi Ru8n
Dom't Afdaid Rjn Domn't Rjun Donm't Afrdaid Rujn Doh't Af4aid Ryn Dohn't Af4raid Ryun Donh't Afr4aid Ruyn
Doj't Afgaid Runn Dojn't Ru Donj't Afrgaid Run Dob't Aftaid Rum Dobn't Rumn Donb't Afrtaid Runm
Don''t Af5aid Ruh Dont Af5raid Dont' Afr5aid Runh Don'tt Affaid Ruj Don' Don't Afrfaid Runj
Don'f Afeaid Rub

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