Greg Graffin
The Fault Line

The sun comes up with promise and my eyes burn open wide
And the sting compounds the torture from the vacant hole inside
My conscious recollection of the past events all seem
To verify the emotion that now envelops me

Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone
Oh-oh, stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Weathered and alone

Living on the fault line

There's no one here to listen but there's always room for more
They pretend to give you your say before they slam the door
There's very little patience, and very little love
There's just your constant puzzlement for what you're guilty of

Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone
Oh-oh, Stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Weathered and alone

Living on the fault line

No one need deliver me from such a familiar place
I've come to terms and work in this ribald downtrodden state
It's subliminal friction under a kind of veneer
And a form of cold injustice that keeps me stationed here

Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone
Oh-oh, Stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Weathered and alone

Living on the fault line

Mirror lyrics:

Living on the fault line

Oh-oh, Weathered and alone
Oh-oh, Stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone

And a form of cold injustice that keeps me stationed here
It's subliminal friction under a kind of veneer
I've come to terms and work in this ribald downtrodden state
No one need deliver me from such a familiar place

Living on the fault line

Oh-oh, Weathered and alone
Oh-oh, Stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone

There's just your constant puzzlement for what you're guilty of
There's very little patience, and very little love
They pretend to give you your say before they slam the door
There's no one here to listen but there's always room for more

Living on the fault line

Oh-oh, Weathered and alone
Oh-oh, stagnant as the stone
Oh-oh, Dogged as a drone

To verify the emotion that now envelops me
My conscious recollection of the past events all seem
And the sting compounds the torture from the vacant hole inside
The sun comes up with promise and my eyes burn open wide

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFault LLine he ault ine hTe aFult iLne fhe cault kine fThe cFault kLine Tfhe Fcault Lkine 5he rault oine 5The rFault oLine
T5he Frault Loine hhe gault pine hThe gFault pLine Thhe Fgault Lpine yhe tault Liine yThe tFault Lne Tyhe Ftault Lnie 6he vault Ljne
6The vFault Ljine T6he Fvault Lijne ghe dault L9ne gThe dFault L9ine Tghe Fdault Li9ne rhe Faault Llne rThe Fult Lline Trhe Fualt Lilne
Fzult Lone Te Fzault Teh Fazult Lione Tje Fqult Lkne Tjhe Fqault Thje Faqult Likne Tue Fsult L8ne Tuhe Fsault L8ine
Thue Fasult Li8ne Tne Fwult Lune Tnhe Fwault Luine Thne Fawult Liune Tbe Fxult Linne Tbhe Fxault Lie Thbe Faxult Lien Tge Fauult Lime
Falt Limne Thge Falut Linme Tye Fahlt Lihe Fahult Lihne Thye Fauhlt Linhe Thee Fa7lt Lije Th Fa7ult The Fau7lt Linje
Ths Faklt Libe

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