Greg Graffin
Fate's Cruel Hand

there's a leaf in the sky and it's floating on by
a new season dawns but something is gone
there are days in the past and days waiting for me
i don't need a visionary in order to see

you can do what you want to me
'cuz i don't have the energy
to retreat or hold ground or barely to stand
but i feel the sting from fate's cruel hand

like a bond true and pure we're never quite sure
our choice in the play as it erodes away
when you can't compete it ends with total defeat
you just let it go so nobody knows you're suffering

you can do what you want to me
'cuz i don't have the energy
to retreat or hold ground or barely to stand
but i feel the sting from fate's cruel hand

when you're not looking it takes from you

Mirror lyrics:

when you're not looking it takes from you

but i feel the sting from fate's cruel hand
to retreat or hold ground or barely to stand
'cuz i don't have the energy
you can do what you want to me

you just let it go so nobody knows you're suffering
when you can't compete it ends with total defeat
our choice in the play as it erodes away
like a bond true and pure we're never quite sure

but i feel the sting from fate's cruel hand
to retreat or hold ground or barely to stand
'cuz i don't have the energy
you can do what you want to me

i don't need a visionary in order to see
there are days in the past and days waiting for me
a new season dawns but something is gone
there's a leaf in the sky and it's floating on by

Relevant Tags:
FFate's CCruel HHand ate's ruel and aFte's rCuel aHnd cate's fruel jand cFate's fCruel jHand Fcate's Cfruel Hjand
rate's xruel uand rFate's xCruel uHand Frate's Cxruel Huand gate's vruel nand gFate's vCruel nHand Fgate's Cvruel Hnand
tate's druel band tFate's dCruel bHand Ftate's Cdruel Hband vate's Crruel gand vFate's Cuel gHand Fvate's Curel Hgand
date's Cduel yand dFate's yHand Fdate's Crduel Hyand Faate's C4uel Haand Fte's C4ruel Hnd Ftae's Cr4uel Hnad
Fzte's Cguel Hznd Fzate's Cgruel Hzand Fazte's Crguel Haznd Fqte's Ctuel Hqnd Fqate's Ctruel Hqand Faqte's Crtuel Haqnd
Fste's C5uel Hsnd Fsate's C5ruel Hsand Faste's Cr5uel Hasnd Fwte's Cfuel Hwnd Fwate's Hwand Fawte's Crfuel Hawnd
Fxte's Ceuel Hxnd Fxate's Ceruel Hxand Faxte's Creuel Haxnd Fatte's Cruuel Hannd Fae's Crel Had Faet's Creul Hadn
Fafe's Crhel Hamd Fafte's Crhuel Hamnd Fatfe's Cruhel Hanmd Fa5e's Cr7el Hahd Fa5te's Cr7uel Hahnd Fat5e's Cru7el Hanhd
Fahe's Crkel Hajd Fahte's Crkuel Hajnd Fathe's Crukel Hanjd Faye's Criel Habd Fayte's Criuel Habnd Fatye's Cruiel Hanbd
Fa6e's Cr8el Handd

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