Foxy Shazam
Across The Golden Field

messages and heels
all across the golden field
as the wheat whistles in the wind
we forget what world we're in
and all the zig zags in my head
i'm always on the one that ends
don't do what he or she just did
i wanna be just like me
the one and only

and this is what he said
run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life

restless for sleep, look who's dreaming now
stength is for weak, its so much deeper than that

Mirror lyrics:

stength is for weak, its so much deeper than that
restless for sleep, look who's dreaming now

run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life, run for your life
and this is what he said

the one and only
i wanna be just like me
don't do what he or she just did
i'm always on the one that ends
and all the zig zags in my head
we forget what world we're in
as the wheat whistles in the wind
all across the golden field
messages and heels

Relevant Tags:
AAcross TThe GGolden FField cross he olden ield cAross hTe oGlden iFeld zcross fhe holden cield zAcross fThe hGolden cField Azcross Tfhe Gholden Fcield
qcross 5he yolden rield qAcross 5The yGolden rField Aqcross T5he Gyolden Frield scross hhe bolden gield sAcross hThe bGolden gField Ascross Thhe Gbolden Fgield
wcross yhe volden tield wAcross yThe vGolden tField Awcross Tyhe Gvolden Ftield xcross 6he folden vield xAcross 6The fGolden vField Axcross T6he Gfolden Fvield
Accross ghe tolden dield Aross gThe tGolden dField Arcoss Tghe Gtolden Fdield Afross rhe Goolden Fiield Afcross rThe Glden Feld Acfross Trhe Gloden Feild
Axross Gklden Fjeld Te Gkolden Fjield Acxross Teh Goklden Fijeld Avross Tje G9lden F9eld Avcross Tjhe G9olden F9ield Acvross Thje Go9lden Fi9eld
Adross Tue G0lden Fleld Adcross Tuhe G0olden Flield Acdross Thue Go0lden Fileld Acrross Tne Gllden Foeld Acoss Tnhe Glolden Foield Acorss Thne Gollden Fioeld
Acdoss Tbe Gilden Fkeld Tbhe Giolden Fkield Acrdoss Thbe Goilden Fikeld Ac4oss Tge F8eld Ac4ross Goden F8ield Acr4oss Thge Godlen Fi8eld
Acgoss Tye Gokden Fueld Acgross Fuield Acrgoss Thye Golkden Fiueld Actoss Thee Gooden Fieeld Actross Th Fild Acrtoss The Goloden Filed
Ac5oss Ths Gopden Fisld Ac5ross Thse Goplden Fiseld Acr5oss Thes Golpden Fiesld Acfoss Th3 Goldden Fi3ld Th3e Golen Fi3eld

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