Four Year Strong
What The Hell Is A Gigawatt

Today's the day that we start this war
Make up your mind and decide what you are fighting for
You still have so much to learn about
The decisions you make, be it so hard to break
If you can't make room for raising the stakes
You'll find yourself exposed to the fallout
And in a drawn-out series of undeniable mistakes
(The perfect punch to a perfect line)

I'm not gonna make it,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
But not for the reasons you might think,
'Cause I've got better things to do

Well have you ever loved so much that you'd kill for it?
(I'd kill for this)
From the bottom of the barrel to the tip of my tongue
(Feeling old but we're still so young)
Because we are the ones that you're searching for
(We're causing all the trouble, only looking for more)
Does someone carry on with a heart of gold?
Feeling young but we're getting older every time I turn around
(The perfect place at the perfect time)

I'm not gonna make it,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
But not for the reasons you might think,
'Cause I've got better things to do
I'm not gonna make it,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
But not for the reasons you might think,
'Cause I've got better things to do

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause I've got better things to do
But not for the reasons you might think,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
I'm not gonna make it,
'Cause I've got better things to do
But not for the reasons you might think,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
I'm not gonna make it,

(The perfect place at the perfect time)
Feeling young but we're getting older every time I turn around
Does someone carry on with a heart of gold?
(We're causing all the trouble, only looking for more)
Because we are the ones that you're searching for
(Feeling old but we're still so young)
From the bottom of the barrel to the tip of my tongue
(I'd kill for this)
Well have you ever loved so much that you'd kill for it?

'Cause I've got better things to do
But not for the reasons you might think,
Tonight's not good for me, it's true
I'm not gonna make it,

(The perfect punch to a perfect line)
And in a drawn-out series of undeniable mistakes
You'll find yourself exposed to the fallout
If you can't make room for raising the stakes
The decisions you make, be it so hard to break
You still have so much to learn about
Make up your mind and decide what you are fighting for
Today's the day that we start this war

Relevant Tags:
WWhat TThe HHell IIs AA GGigawatt hat he ell s igawatt hWat hTe eHll sI A iGgawatt ahat fhe jell js z higawatt aWhat fThe jHell jIs zA hGigawatt
Wahat Tfhe Hjell Ijs Az Ghigawatt 3hat 5he uell 9s q yigawatt 3What 5The uHell 9Is qA yGigawatt W3hat T5he Huell I9s Aq Gyigawatt dhat hhe nell ls s bigawatt
dWhat hThe nHell lIs sA bGigawatt Wdhat Thhe Hnell Ils As Gbigawatt ehat yhe bell os w vigawatt eWhat yThe bHell oIs wA vGigawatt Wehat Tyhe Hbell Ios Aw Gvigawatt
shat 6he gell ks x figawatt sWhat 6The gHell kIs xA fGigawatt Wshat T6he Hgell Iks Ax Gfigawatt 2hat ghe yell 8s tigawatt 2What gThe yHell 8Is tGigawatt
W2hat Tghe Hyell I8s Gtigawatt qhat rhe Heell us Giigawatt qWhat rThe Hll uIs Ggawatt Wqhat Trhe Hlel Ius Ggiawatt Whhat Hsll Iss Gjgawatt
Wat Te Hsell I Gjigawatt Waht Teh Hesll Is Gijgawatt Wjat Tje H3ll Iz G9gawatt Wjhat Tjhe H3ell Izs G9igawatt Whjat Thje He3ll Isz Gi9gawatt
Wuat Tue Hfll Iw Glgawatt Wuhat Tuhe Hfell Iws Gligawatt Whuat Thue Hefll Isw Gilgawatt Wnat Tne Hrll Id Gogawatt Wnhat Tnhe Hrell Ids Goigawatt
Whnat Thne Herll Isd Giogawatt Wbat Tbe H4ll Ie Gkgawatt Wbhat Tbhe H4ell Ies Gkigawatt Whbat Thbe He4ll Ise Gikgawatt Wgat Tge Hdll Ix G8gawatt
Wghat Hdell Ixs G8igawatt Whgat Thge Hedll Isx Gi8gawatt Wyat Tye Hwll Ia Gugawatt Wyhat Hwell Ias Guigawatt Whyat Thye Hewll Isa Giugawatt
Whaat Thee Helll Giggawatt Wht Th Hel Giawatt Whta The Hell Giagwatt Whzt Ths Hekl Gihawatt Whzat Thse Hekll Gihgawatt
Whazt Thes Helkl Gighawatt Whqt Th3 Heol Giyawatt Whqat Th3e Heoll Giygawatt Whaqt The3 Helol Gigyawatt Whst Thf Hepl Gibawatt
Whsat Thfe Hepll Gibgawatt Whast Thef Helpl Gigbawatt Whwt Thr Givawatt Whwat Thre Givgawatt Whawt Ther Gigvawatt
Whxt Th4 Helk Gifawatt Whxat Th4e Gifgawatt Whaxt The4 Hellk Gigfawatt Whatt Thd Helo Gitawatt Wha Thde Gitgawatt
What Thed Hello Gigtawatt Whaf Thw Help Gigaawatt Whaft Thwe Gigwatt Whatf Thew Hellp Gigwaatt Wha5 Gigzwatt
Wha5t Gigzawatt What5 Gigazwatt Whah Gigqwatt Whaht Gigqawatt Whath Gigaqwatt
Whay Gigswatt Whayt Gigsawatt Whaty Gigaswatt

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