Four Letter Lie
The Ordinary Life

Like Belle and Sebastian, we're dressed to impress.
(It's all for you).
We've got it all, but can't find the meaning.
(This is where love ends).

These words we're made to hurt in this ordinary life
when you're starving for recognition, these wounds were made to heal.
This has never been about breaking hearts just following our dreams.

I replay these moments every day. We're getting closer. I can taste it. Can you feel it?

Can you feel it? Ohh.
Can you feel it? Yeah.
Can you feel it? Ohh.
Can you feel it?

This is all everything that you could be.
Leave the heart at home. Let's take this down a tone.
This love secrecy is killing me. It's killing me ohhh.

We've come this far to turn back now from all the nights we've spent apart.
These days have come and passed us by. Only the strong survive.

There's gotta be more to life than this.
In the blink of an eye this could take us alive.
It's okay to say no. Please just make up your mind.
In the blink of an eye this could take us alive.
Leave us starving for home. Take me back where I'll never grow old.

But rest assured I'm coming home.

This is all everything that you could be.
This love secrecy is killing me.
This is all, this is all that we could be.

Mirror lyrics:

This is all, this is all that we could be.
This love secrecy is killing me.
This is all everything that you could be.

But rest assured I'm coming home.

Leave us starving for home. Take me back where I'll never grow old.
In the blink of an eye this could take us alive.
It's okay to say no. Please just make up your mind.
In the blink of an eye this could take us alive.
There's gotta be more to life than this.

These days have come and passed us by. Only the strong survive.
We've come this far to turn back now from all the nights we've spent apart.

This love secrecy is killing me. It's killing me ohhh.
Leave the heart at home. Let's take this down a tone.
This is all everything that you could be.

Can you feel it?
Can you feel it? Ohh.
Can you feel it? Yeah.
Can you feel it? Ohh.

I replay these moments every day. We're getting closer. I can taste it. Can you feel it?

This has never been about breaking hearts just following our dreams.
when you're starving for recognition, these wounds were made to heal.
These words we're made to hurt in this ordinary life

(This is where love ends).
We've got it all, but can't find the meaning.
(It's all for you).
Like Belle and Sebastian, we're dressed to impress.

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOrdinary LLife he rdinary ife hTe rOdinary iLfe fhe krdinary kife fThe kOrdinary kLife Tfhe Okrdinary Lkife
5he 9rdinary oife 5The 9Ordinary oLife T5he O9rdinary Loife hhe 0rdinary pife hThe 0Ordinary pLife Thhe O0rdinary Lpife
yhe lrdinary Liife yThe lOrdinary Lfe Tyhe Olrdinary Lfie 6he irdinary Ljfe 6The iOrdinary Ljife T6he Oirdinary Lijfe
ghe Orrdinary L9fe gThe Odinary L9ife Tghe Odrinary Li9fe rhe Oddinary Llfe rThe Odrdinary Llife Trhe Orddinary Lilfe
O4dinary Lofe Te O4rdinary Teh Or4dinary Liofe Tje Ogdinary Lkfe Tjhe Ogrdinary Thje Orgdinary Likfe
Tue Otdinary L8fe Tuhe Otrdinary L8ife Thue Ortdinary Li8fe Tne O5dinary Lufe Tnhe O5rdinary Luife Thne Or5dinary Liufe
Tbe Ofdinary Liffe Tbhe Ofrdinary Lie Thbe Orfdinary Lief Tge Oedinary Lice Oerdinary Licfe Thge Oredinary Lifce
Tye Lire Orinary Lirfe Thye Oridnary Lifre Thee Orxinary Lige Th Orxdinary Ligfe The Ordxinary Lifge
Ths Oreinary Lite Thse Litfe Thes Ordeinary Lifte Th3 Orfinary Live Th3e Livfe The3 Ordfinary Lifve
Thf Orrinary Lide Thfe Lidfe Thef Ordrinary Lifde Thr Orcinary Lifee Thre Orcdinary Lif Ther Ordcinary Life
Th4 Orsinary Lifs Th4e Orsdinary Lifse The4 Ordsinary Lifes Thd Ordiinary Lif3 Thde Ordnary Lif3e Thed Ordniary Life3
Thw Ordjnary Liff Thwe Ordjinary Thew Ordijnary Lifef Ord9nary Lifr Ord9inary Ordi9nary Lifer
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