Four Jacks And A Jill
Master Jack

It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack
You taught me all I know and I'll never look back
It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack

You took a colored ribbon from out of the sky
And taught me how to use it as the years went by
To tie up all your problems and make them look neat
And then to sell them to the people in the street

It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack
You taught me all I know and I'll never look back
It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack

I saw right through the way you started teachin' me now
So some day soon you could get to use me somehow
I thank you very much and though you've been very kind
But I'd better move along before you change my mind

It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack
You know how I feel as if I'll never come back
It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack

You taught me all the things the way you'd like them to be
But I'd like to see if other people agree
It's all very int'resting the way you disguise
But I'd like to see the world through my own eyes

It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack
No hard feelin's if I never come back
You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack

You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack
You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack

Mirror lyrics:

You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack
You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack

You're a very strange man and I thank you, Master Jack
No hard feelin's if I never come back
It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack

But I'd like to see the world through my own eyes
It's all very int'resting the way you disguise
But I'd like to see if other people agree
You taught me all the things the way you'd like them to be

It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack
You know how I feel as if I'll never come back
It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack

But I'd better move along before you change my mind
I thank you very much and though you've been very kind
So some day soon you could get to use me somehow
I saw right through the way you started teachin' me now

It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack
You taught me all I know and I'll never look back
It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack

And then to sell them to the people in the street
To tie up all your problems and make them look neat
And taught me how to use it as the years went by
You took a colored ribbon from out of the sky

It's a very strange world and I thank you, Master Jack
You taught me all I know and I'll never look back
It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack

Relevant Tags:
MMaster JJack aster ack aMster aJck jaster kack jMaster kJack Mjaster Jkack kaster iack kMaster iJack Mkaster Jiack naster mack
nMaster mJack Mnaster Jmack Maaster nack Mster nJack Msater Jnack Mzster hack Mzaster hJack Mazster Jhack Mqster uack Mqaster uJack
Maqster Juack Msster Jaack Msaster Jck Masster Jcak Mwster Jzck Mwaster Jzack Mawster Jazck Mxster Jqck Mxaster Jqack Maxster Jaqck
Jsck Mater Jsack Matser Jasck Mazter Jwck Jwack Maszter Jawck Mawter Jxck Jxack Maswter Jaxck Madter Jacck
Madster Jak Masdter Jakc Maeter Jafk Maester Jafck Maseter Jacfk Maxter Jaxk Masxter Jacxk Maater Javk Javck Masater Jacvk
Mastter Jadk Maser Jadck Masetr Jacdk Masfer Jackk Masfter Jac

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