Giving Me Wings

You're a fool man
You threw it away
You kill her
With your confidence

In the old days
The cause you embraced
The simple things
That people over complicate

Speaking in lines
Known to yourself
Your speaking at length
On all those days

Will you come with me
And we'll be ourselves,
And we'll walk into the light
And you can colour yourself
In golden wings

You're never yourself
Not even with me

Will you come with me
And we'll ask the dust
It's on my way
It's all my concentration
Can hold

But you alienate me
And throw it down
And rip it off
When nothing's feeling right
And I'll show you how
You can sellotape it on

You're giving me wings
So I don't have to jump
And you're giving me will
So I can carry on

Dissimulate and celebrate this
Time we had alone

Mirror lyrics:

Time we had alone
Dissimulate and celebrate this

So I can carry on
And you're giving me will
So I don't have to jump
You're giving me wings

You can sellotape it on
And I'll show you how
When nothing's feeling right
And rip it off
And throw it down
But you alienate me

Can hold
It's all my concentration
It's on my way
And we'll ask the dust
Will you come with me

Not even with me
You're never yourself

In golden wings
And you can colour yourself
And we'll walk into the light
And we'll be ourselves,
Will you come with me

On all those days
Your speaking at length
Known to yourself
Speaking in lines

That people over complicate
The simple things
The cause you embraced
In the old days

With your confidence
You kill her
You threw it away
You're a fool man

Relevant Tags:
GGiving MMe WWings iving e ings iGving eM iWngs hiving je aings hGiving jMe aWings Ghiving Mje Waings yiving ke 3ings
yGiving kMe 3Wings Gyiving Mke W3ings biving ne dings bGiving nMe dWings Gbiving Mne Wdings viving Mee eings vGiving M eWings
Gviving Me Weings fiving Ms sings fGiving Mse sWings Gfiving Mes Wsings tiving M3 2ings tGiving M3e 2Wings Gtiving Me3 W2ings
Giiving Mf qings Gving Mfe qWings Gviing Mef Wqings Gjving Mr Wiings Gjiving Mre Wngs Gijving Mer Wnigs G9ving M4 Wjngs
G9iving M4e Wjings Gi9ving Me4 Wijngs Glving Md W9ngs Gliving Mde W9ings Gilving Med Wi9ngs Goving Mw Wlngs Goiving Mwe Wlings
Gioving Mew Wilngs Gkving Wongs Gkiving Woings Gikving Wiongs G8ving Wkngs G8iving Wkings Gi8ving Wikngs
Guving W8ngs Guiving W8ings Giuving Wi8ngs Givving Wungs Giing Wuings Giivng Wiungs Gibing Winngs
Gibving Wigs Givbing Wigns Gicing Wimgs Gicving Wimngs Givcing Winmgs Giging Wihgs Gigving Wihngs
Givging Winhgs Gifing Wijgs Gifving

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