Crazy You

Oh crazy you
What am I supoused to do?
Heaven knows I tried to change you
But you just keep getting stranger

I say
Oh crazy you
What the hell's got air to you?
While you're trying to impress me
With your plastic fleer ingectors
Crazy you

I'm driving in my car
Every light I see is a star
And it makes me feel so happy, what's wrong?

I'm rebeled in sway in time
And the street light's calling my name
And the goldfish keep on singing king kong

Oh crazy you
Where's the life that we once knew?
With your anger and your madness
All your laugh reveils your sadness

I say
Oh crazy you
Was it all a game to you?
All the friends you left behind you
They're all still there to remind you
Crazy you

Don't beg me
I don't want to
I don't want to

Oh crazy you
What am I supoused to do?
Heaven knows I tried to change you
But you just keep getting stranger

I say
Oh crazy you
where's the life that we once knew?
While the wrold outside is madness
We can drive away the sadness
Crazy you...

I thought that I knew you
But now I see right through you
Don't beg me, I don't want to
Don't beg me, do what you do

Mirror lyrics:

Don't beg me, do what you do
Don't beg me, I don't want to
But now I see right through you
I thought that I knew you

Crazy you...
We can drive away the sadness
While the wrold outside is madness
where's the life that we once knew?
Oh crazy you
I say

But you just keep getting stranger
Heaven knows I tried to change you
What am I supoused to do?
Oh crazy you

I don't want to
I don't want to
Don't beg me

Crazy you
They're all still there to remind you
All the friends you left behind you
Was it all a game to you?
Oh crazy you
I say

All your laugh reveils your sadness
With your anger and your madness
Where's the life that we once knew?
Oh crazy you

And the goldfish keep on singing king kong
And the street light's calling my name
I'm rebeled in sway in time

And it makes me feel so happy, what's wrong?
Every light I see is a star
I'm driving in my car

Crazy you
With your plastic fleer ingectors
While you're trying to impress me
What the hell's got air to you?
Oh crazy you
I say

But you just keep getting stranger
Heaven knows I tried to change you
What am I supoused to do?
Oh crazy you

Relevant Tags:
CCrazy YYou razy ou rCazy oYu frazy gou fCrazy gYou Cfrazy Ygou xrazy hou xCrazy hYou Cxrazy Yhou vrazy 6ou vCrazy 6You
Cvrazy Y6ou drazy uou dCrazy uYou Cdrazy Yuou Crrazy 7ou Cazy 7You Carzy Y7ou Cdazy jou jYou Crdazy Yjou C4azy tou
C4razy tYou Cr4azy Ytou Cgazy Yoou Cgrazy Yu Crgazy Yuo Ctazy Yku Ctrazy Ykou Crtazy Yoku C5azy Y9u C5razy Y9ou Cr5azy Yo9u
Cfazy Y0u Y0ou Crfazy Yo0u Ceazy Ylu Cerazy Ylou Creazy Yolu Craazy Yiu Crzy Yiou Crzay Yoiu Crzzy Youu Crzazy Yo

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