Guided By Voices
Father Sgt. Christmas Card

Fight me
Fight me in practice
Up from a squelch
A ten point power plant
No planning a rant
You get a clear man

Hunting a heart
Backed away in his pig
Father Sgt. Christmas Card
Gone jogging
Gumming the fun tunnel
And answer to no one
And not knowing this
So God bless you
Continue to speak

Oh, God, bless you!

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, God, bless you!

Continue to speak
So God bless you
And not knowing this
And answer to no one
Gumming the fun tunnel
Gone jogging
Father Sgt. Christmas Card
Backed away in his pig
Hunting a heart

You get a clear man
No planning a rant
A ten point power plant
Up from a squelch
Fight me in practice
Fight me

Relevant Tags:
FFather SSgt. CChristmas CCard ather gt. hristmas ard aFther gSt. hCristmas aCrd cather zgt. fhristmas fard cFather zSgt. fChristmas fCard
Fcather Szgt. Cfhristmas Cfard rather wgt. xhristmas xard rFather wSgt. xChristmas xCard Frather Swgt. Cxhristmas Cxard gather dgt. vhristmas vard
gFather dSgt. vChristmas vCard Fgather Sdgt. Cvhristmas Cvard tather egt. dhristmas dard tFather eSgt. dChristmas dCard Ftather Segt. Cdhristmas Cdard
vather xgt. Chhristmas Caard vFather xSgt. Cristmas Crd Fvather Sxgt. Crhistmas Crad dather agt. Cjristmas Czrd dFather aSgt. Cjhristmas Czard
Fdather Sagt. Chjristmas Cazrd Faather Sggt. Curistmas Cqrd Fther St. Cuhristmas Cqard Ftaher Stg. Churistmas Caqrd Fzther Sht. Cnristmas Csrd
Fzather Shgt. Cnhristmas Csard Fazther Sght. Chnristmas Casrd Fqther Syt. Cbristmas Cwrd Fqather Sygt. Cbhristmas Cward Faqther Sgyt. Chbristmas Cawrd
Fsther Sbt. Cgristmas Cxrd Fsather Sbgt. Cghristmas Fasther Sgbt. Chgristmas Caxrd Fwther Svt. Cyristmas Carrd Fwather Svgt. Cyhristmas Cad
Fawther Sgvt. Chyristmas Cadr Fxther Sft. Chrristmas Cadd Fxather Sfgt. Chistmas Cadrd Faxther Sgft. Chirstmas Cardd Fatther Stt. Chdistmas Ca4d
Faher Stgt. Chdristmas Ca4rd Fahter Sgtt. Chrdistmas Car4d Fafher Ch4istmas Cagd Fafther Sg. Ch4ristmas Cagrd Fatfher Sg.t Chr4istmas Cargd
Fa5her Sgf. Chgistmas Catd Fa5ther Catrd Fat5her Sgtf. Chrgistmas Cartd Fahher Sg5. Chtistmas Ca5d Fahther Sg5t. Chtristmas Ca5rd
Fathher Sgt5. Chrtistmas Car5d Fayher Sgh. Ch5istmas Cafd Fayther Ch5ristmas Cafrd Fatyher Sgth. Chr5istmas Carfd Fa6her Sgy. Chfistmas Caed
Fa6ther Chfristmas Caerd Fat6her Sgty. Chrfistmas Cared Fagher Sg6. Cheistmas Fagther Sg6t. Cheristmas Car Fatgher Sgt6. Chreistmas Card
Farher Sgg. Chriistmas Carx Farther Chrstmas Carxd Fatrher Sgtg. Chrsitmas Cardx Sgr. Chrjstmas Care Fater Sgrt. Chrjistmas
Fatehr Sgtr. Chrijstmas Carde Fatjer Sgt.. Chr9stmas Carf Fatjher Sgt Chr9istmas Fathjer Sgt. Chri9stmas Cardf Fatuer Chrlstmas Carr
Fatuher Chrlistmas Fathuer Chrilstmas Cardr Fatner Chrostmas Carc Fatnher Chroistmas Carcd Fathner Chriostmas Cardc
Fatber Chrkstmas Cars Fatbher Chrkistmas Carsd Fathber Chrikstmas Cards Fatger Chr8stmas Chr8istmas
Fathger Chri8stmas Fatyer Chrustmas Chruistmas Fathyer Chriustmas Fatheer Chrisstmas
Fathr Chritmas Fathre Chritsmas

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