Forever The Sickest Kids
Who Invited The Monster

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

Can you remember when?
Sitting on the ??
Hearing your mom say
You're so much better than him

Go, go, go
You re better than her, her, her
He's better than you, you, you
You're better than he, he, he

I tell you go, go, go
You re better than her, her, her
He's better than you, you, you
You re better than he, he, he
(I tell you go)

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

Hey baby I was just playing around
When I was flirting with your friend
I mean she s hotter than you but
You got the personality baby
I love you so much

Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
In love

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

And have you fallen in lust
Or have you fallen in love?
With her

Mirror lyrics:

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

In love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love
Falling in love, I m falling in love

I love you so much
You got the personality baby
I mean she s hotter than you but
When I was flirting with your friend
Hey baby I was just playing around

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

(I tell you go)
You re better than he, he, he
He's better than you, you, you
You re better than her, her, her
I tell you go, go, go

You're better than he, he, he
He's better than you, you, you
You re better than her, her, her
Go, go, go

You're so much better than him
Hearing your mom say
Sitting on the ??
Can you remember when?

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

With her
Or have you fallen in love?
And have you fallen in lust

Relevant Tags:
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3ho 9nvited 5he konster 3Who 9Invited 5The kMonster W3ho I9nvited T5he Mkonster dho lnvited hhe nonster dWho lInvited hThe nMonster Wdho Ilnvited Thhe Mnonster
eho onvited yhe Moonster eWho oInvited yThe Mnster Weho Ionvited Tyhe Mnoster sho knvited 6he Mknster sWho kInvited 6The Wsho Iknvited T6he Moknster
2ho 8nvited ghe M9nster 2Who 8Invited gThe M9onster W2ho I8nvited Tghe Mo9nster qho unvited rhe M0nster qWho uInvited rThe M0onster Wqho Iunvited Trhe Mo0nster
Whho Innvited Mlnster Wo Ivited Te Mlonster Woh Ivnited Teh Molnster Wjo Imvited Tje Minster Wjho Imnvited Tjhe Mionster Whjo Inmvited Thje Moinster
Wuo Ihvited Tue Monnster Wuho Ihnvited Tuhe Moster Whuo Inhvited Thue Mosnter Wno Ijvited Tne Momster Wnho Tnhe Momnster Whno Injvited Thne Monmster
Wbo Ibvited Tbe Mohster Wbho Ibnvited Tbhe Mohnster Whbo Inbvited Thbe Monhster Wgo Invvited Tge Mojster Wgho Inited Mojnster Whgo Inivted Thge Monjster
Wyo Inbited Tye Mobster Wyho Mobnster Whyo Invbited Thye Monbster Whoo Incited Thee Monsster Wh Incvited Th Monter Who Invcited The Montser
Whk Ingited Ths Monzter Whko Ingvited Thse Monzster Whok Invgited Thes Monszter Wh9 Infited Th3 Monwter Wh9o Infvited Th3e Monwster Who9 Invfited The3 Monswter
Wh0 Inviited Thf Mondter Wh0o Invted Thfe Mondster Who0 Invtied Thef Monsdter Whl Invjted Thr Moneter Whlo Invjited Thre Monester Whol Invijted Ther Monseter
Whi Inv9ted Th4 Monxter Whio Inv9ited Th4e Monxster Whoi Invi9ted The4 Monsxter Invlted Thd Monater Invlited Thde Monaster Invilted Thed Monsater
Invoted Thw Monstter Invoited Thwe Monser Invioted Thew Monsetr

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