Forever The Sickest Kids
Same Dumb Excuse

I should be brave with nothing to lose,
That's how I was until the day I met you,
Now I'm afraid that I don't know what to do,
A couple of things I've really got to tell you.

Dive off a cliff, jump from a plane,
Oh, it's not easy other than what I've got to say,
Go for a swim, with sharks in the sea,
oh, it's not easy other than me telling it to you straight,

I've got nothing to lose..
I've got nothing to lose but you,
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I can't keep using the same dumb excuse
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I've got nothing to lose
but you..

To get you to laugh, to get you to smile,
To get you to tell the world that you're on my side,
Make me a star at least in your eyes,
Lets take on the world, but first,
I got to make you mine,

Dive off a cliff, jump from a plane,
Oh, it's not easy other than what I've got to say,
Go for a swim, with sharks in the sea,
oh, it's not easy other than me telling it to your face.

I've got nothing to lose..
I've got nothing to lose but you,
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I cant keep using the same dumb excuse
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I've got nothing to lose
but you..

Though the words ain't coming out,
But tonight, it's going down..
I should be brave, with nothing to lose,
That's how I was until the day I met you,

I've got nothing to lose..
I've got nothing to lose but you,
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I can't keep using the same dumb excuse
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I've got nothing to lose
but you..

Though the words ain't coming out,
But tonight, it's going down..
I've got nothing to lose
I've got nothing to lose but you.

Mirror lyrics:

I've got nothing to lose but you.
I've got nothing to lose
But tonight, it's going down..
Though the words ain't coming out,

but you..
I've got nothing to lose
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I can't keep using the same dumb excuse
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I've got nothing to lose but you,
I've got nothing to lose..

That's how I was until the day I met you,
I should be brave, with nothing to lose,
But tonight, it's going down..
Though the words ain't coming out,

but you..
I've got nothing to lose
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I cant keep using the same dumb excuse
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I've got nothing to lose but you,
I've got nothing to lose..

oh, it's not easy other than me telling it to your face.
Go for a swim, with sharks in the sea,
Oh, it's not easy other than what I've got to say,
Dive off a cliff, jump from a plane,

I got to make you mine,
Lets take on the world, but first,
Make me a star at least in your eyes,
To get you to tell the world that you're on my side,
To get you to laugh, to get you to smile,

but you..
I've got nothing to lose
Cuz, I've got nothing to lose,
I can't keep using the same dumb excuse
If I just say nothing, you'll never hear the truth,
I've got nothing to lose but you,
I've got nothing to lose..

oh, it's not easy other than me telling it to you straight,
Go for a swim, with sharks in the sea,
Oh, it's not easy other than what I've got to say,
Dive off a cliff, jump from a plane,

A couple of things I've really got to tell you.
Now I'm afraid that I don't know what to do,
That's how I was until the day I met you,
I should be brave with nothing to lose,

Relevant Tags:
SSame DDumb EExcuse ame umb xcuse aSme uDmb xEcuse zame xumb sxcuse zSame xDumb sExcuse Szame Dxumb Esxcuse wame eumb 3xcuse
wSame eDumb 3Excuse Swame Deumb E3xcuse dame fumb fxcuse dSame fDumb fExcuse Sdame Dfumb Efxcuse eame rumb rxcuse eSame rDumb rExcuse
Seame Drumb Erxcuse xame cumb 4xcuse xSame cDumb 4Excuse Sxame Dcumb E4xcuse aame sumb dxcuse aSame sDumb dExcuse Saame Dsumb Edxcuse
Duumb wxcuse Sme Dmb wExcuse Smae Dmub Ewxcuse Szme Dhmb Exxcuse Dhumb Ecuse Sazme Duhmb Ecxuse Sqme D7mb Edcuse
Sqame D7umb Saqme Du7mb Exdcuse Ssme Dkmb Ezcuse Ssame Dkumb Ezxcuse Sasme Dukmb Exzcuse Swme Dimb Eccuse Diumb Ecxcuse
Sawme Duimb Exccuse Sxme D8mb Escuse D8umb Saxme Du8mb Exscuse Samme Djmb Sae Djumb Exuse Saem Dujmb Exucse
Saje Dymb Exfuse Sajme Dyumb Exfcuse Samje Duymb Excfuse Sake Dummb Exxuse Sakme Dub Samke Dubm Excxuse Sane Dujb Exvuse
Sanme Exvcuse Samne Dumjb Excvuse Samee Dukb Exduse Sam Same Dumkb Excduse Sams Dunb Excuuse Samse Dunmb Excse
Sames Dumnb Excsue

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