Forever Changed
Letting Go Of You

It was hard letting go of you;

I never want to feel that way again.

Can you recall what I said to you,

“Just let it all out now, just let it all out now.

I never want to say goodbye tonight.

I'm staying here if that's all right.

I'm never going to let you out of sight.

Don't leave me now, just hold on tight.

There's nothing left for me to do.

The plans we made have fallen through.

You just close your eyes and hold on to me.”

It was hard letting go of you;

I never want to feel that way again.

“You blink and life will pass you by.

Let love prevail now; don't let it die.

I'll take you in my arms we're going home.

You're not leaving here alone, not this time.

Well I don't care what they say;

no one here is going to take you away.

Stand up one more time and hold on to me!”

It was hard letting go of you;

I never want to feel that way again.

Can you recall what I said to you,

“Just let it all out now, just let it all out now.”

Don't say goodnight.

Don't say goodbye.

Mirror lyrics:

Don't say goodbye.

Don't say goodnight.

“Just let it all out now, just let it all out now.”

Can you recall what I said to you,

I never want to feel that way again.

It was hard letting go of you;

Stand up one more time and hold on to me!”

no one here is going to take you away.

Well I don't care what they say;

You're not leaving here alone, not this time.

I'll take you in my arms we're going home.

Let love prevail now; don't let it die.

“You blink and life will pass you by.

I never want to feel that way again.

It was hard letting go of you;

You just close your eyes and hold on to me.”

The plans we made have fallen through.

There's nothing left for me to do.

Don't leave me now, just hold on tight.

I'm never going to let you out of sight.

I'm staying here if that's all right.

I never want to say goodbye tonight.

“Just let it all out now, just let it all out now.

Can you recall what I said to you,

I never want to feel that way again.

It was hard letting go of you;

Relevant Tags:
LLetting GGo OOf YYou etting o f ou eLtting oG fO oYu ketting ho kf gou kLetting hGo kOf gYou Lketting Gho Okf Ygou
oetting yo 9f hou oLetting yGo 9Of hYou Loetting Gyo O9f Yhou petting bo 0f 6ou pLetting bGo 0Of 6You Lpetting Gbo O0f Y6ou
Leetting vo lf uou Ltting vGo lOf uYou Lteting Gvo Olf Yuou Lstting fo if 7ou Lsetting fGo iOf 7You Lestting Gfo Oif Y7ou
L3tting to Off jou L3etting tGo O jYou Le3tting Gto Of Yjou Lftting Goo Oc tou Lfetting G Ocf tYou Leftting Go Ofc Ytou
Lrtting Gk Or Yoou Lretting Gko Orf Yu Lertting Gok Ofr Yuo L4tting G9 Og Yku L4etting G9o Ogf Ykou Le4tting Go9 Ofg Yoku
Ldtting G0 Ot Y9u Ldetting G0o Otf Y9ou Ledtting Go0 Oft Yo9u Lwtting Gl Ov Y0u Lwetting Glo Ovf Y0ou Lewtting Gol Ofv Yo0u
Lettting Gi Od Ylu Leting Gio Odf Ylou Letting Goi Ofd Yolu Lefting Yiu Yiou Letfting Yoiu
Le5ting Youu Le5tting Yo Let5ting You Lehting Yoh Lehtting Yohu Lethting Youh
Leyting Yo7 Leytting Yo7u Letyting You7 Le6ting Yok Le6tting Let6ting Youk
Legting Yoi Legtting Letgting Youi Lerting Yo8 Yo8u Letrting You8
Yoj Yoju Letitng Youj Letfing Yoy Yoyu

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