Foreign Exchange
If She Breaks Your Heart

My love is gone with yesterday, my love is gone
with yesterday

We had a love for all seasons
At least that's how it used to be
There was no time, space, or reason
More special to us than we
My love continued to flourish
As a flower blooms in spring
Then you tried to play love for silly
But the loser is the fool who doesn't play
love by the rules

If she breaks your heart
I will send a robin to sing happy tunes for you
Cause I may not be around to do the things
I used to do
And if you awake to find you're lost
I will send a glad star to lead you on your way
Cause the love I felt inside
Has gone away with yesterday

My love is gone with yesterday, my love is gone
with yesterday

There was a time when forever
Was common-place for me and you
Laughing, loving, sharing, caring
Seemed to be made just for us two
But I kept on building the dream world
That I thought was you and I
Sorry, I'm sadly mistaken
Cause our castle in the sky
Has turned into a mere goodbye

If she breaks your heart
I will send a robin to sing happy tunes for you
Cause I may not be around to do the things
I used to do
And if you awake to find you're lost
I will send a glad star to lead you on your way

Cause the love I felt inside
Has gone away with yesterday

Love is gone away with yesterday

Mirror lyrics:

Love is gone away with yesterday

Has gone away with yesterday
Cause the love I felt inside

I will send a glad star to lead you on your way
And if you awake to find you're lost
I used to do
Cause I may not be around to do the things
I will send a robin to sing happy tunes for you
If she breaks your heart

Has turned into a mere goodbye
Cause our castle in the sky
Sorry, I'm sadly mistaken
That I thought was you and I
But I kept on building the dream world
Seemed to be made just for us two
Laughing, loving, sharing, caring
Was common-place for me and you
There was a time when forever

with yesterday
My love is gone with yesterday, my love is gone

Has gone away with yesterday
Cause the love I felt inside
I will send a glad star to lead you on your way
And if you awake to find you're lost
I used to do
Cause I may not be around to do the things
I will send a robin to sing happy tunes for you
If she breaks your heart

love by the rules
But the loser is the fool who doesn't play
Then you tried to play love for silly
As a flower blooms in spring
My love continued to flourish
More special to us than we
There was no time, space, or reason
At least that's how it used to be
We had a love for all seasons

with yesterday
My love is gone with yesterday, my love is gone

Relevant Tags:
IIf SShe BBreaks YYour HHeart f he reaks our eart fI hSe rBeaks oYur eHart jf zhe vreaks gour jeart jIf zShe vBreaks gYour jHeart Ijf Szhe Bvreaks Ygour Hjeart
9f whe greaks hour ueart 9If wShe gBreaks hYour uHeart I9f Swhe Bgreaks Yhour Hueart lf dhe nreaks 6our neart lIf dShe nBreaks 6Your nHeart Ilf Sdhe Bnreaks Y6our Hneart
of ehe hreaks uour beart oIf eShe hBreaks uYour bHeart Iof Sehe Bhreaks Yuour Hbeart kf xhe Brreaks 7our geart kIf xShe Beaks 7Your gHeart Ikf Sxhe Beraks Y7our Hgeart
8f ahe Bdeaks jour yeart 8If aShe Bdreaks jYour yHeart I8f Sahe Brdeaks Yjour Hyeart uf Shhe B4eaks tour Heeart uIf Se B4reaks tYour Hart Iuf Seh Br4eaks Ytour Haert
Iff Sje Bgeaks Yoour Hsart I Sjhe Yur Hseart If Shje Brgeaks Yuor Hesart Ic Sue Bteaks Ykur H3art Icf Suhe Btreaks Ykour H3eart Ifc Shue Brteaks Yokur He3art
Ir Sne B5eaks Y9ur Hfart Irf Snhe B5reaks Y9our Hfeart Ifr Shne Br5eaks Yo9ur Hefart Ig Sbe Bfeaks Y0ur Hrart Igf Sbhe Bfreaks Y0our Hreart Ifg Shbe Brfeaks Yo0ur Herart
It Sge Beeaks Ylur H4art Itf Sghe Bereaks Ylour H4eart Ift Shge Breeaks Yolur He4art Iv Sye Yiur Hdart Ivf Syhe Braks Yiour Hdeart Ifv Shye Braeks Yoiur Hedart
Id Shee Brsaks Youur Hwart Idf Sh Brseaks Yor Hweart Ifd She Bresaks Yoru Hewart Shs Br3aks Yohr Heaart Shse Br3eaks Yohur Hert Shes Bre3aks Youhr Herat
Sh3 Brfaks Yo7r Hezrt Sh3e Yo7ur Hezart She3 Brefaks You7r Heazrt Shf Brraks Yokr Heqrt Shfe Heqart Shef Breraks Youkr Heaqrt
Shr Br4aks Yoir Hesrt Shre

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