No Hiding Place

Every time I've run away from you
You searched me out and found me
I build a wall, surround myself
You've found a way around it
Everywhere I go into this big old world
You're just one step behind me
I turn around and there you are, ready to remind me

Woah, baby, let me, let me go
Honey don't you know

There is no hiding place, nowhere to go, nowhere safe
There is no hiding place
There is no where sale, to disappear without a trace
There is no hiding place

I walked the streets, I drank in bars
Tryin' to forget you
I rode the subway end to end
I wish I'd never met you
It's in your smile, the way you dress
A little on the wild side
I can't get away from you babe, no matter how I try

Woah, baby, let me, let me go
Honey don't you know

There is no hiding place, nowhere to go, nowhere safe
There is no hiding place
There is no where sale, to disappear without a trace
There is no hiding place

Woah never let me, let me go
Honey, don't you know

(repeat chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat chorus)

Honey, don't you know
Woah never let me, let me go

There is no hiding place
There is no where sale, to disappear without a trace
There is no hiding place
There is no hiding place, nowhere to go, nowhere safe

Honey don't you know
Woah, baby, let me, let me go

I can't get away from you babe, no matter how I try
A little on the wild side
It's in your smile, the way you dress
I wish I'd never met you
I rode the subway end to end
Tryin' to forget you
I walked the streets, I drank in bars

There is no hiding place
There is no where sale, to disappear without a trace
There is no hiding place
There is no hiding place, nowhere to go, nowhere safe

Honey don't you know
Woah, baby, let me, let me go

I turn around and there you are, ready to remind me
You're just one step behind me
Everywhere I go into this big old world
You've found a way around it
I build a wall, surround myself
You searched me out and found me
Every time I've run away from you

Relevant Tags:
NNo HHiding PPlace o iding lace oN iHding lPace mo jiding 0lace mNo jHiding 0Place Nmo Hjiding P0lace ho uiding llace
hNo uHiding lPlace Nho Huiding Pllace jo niding olace jNo nHiding oPlace Njo Hniding Polace bo biding bNo bHiding Pace
Nbo Hbiding Palce Noo giding Pkace N gHiding Pklace No Hgiding Plkace Nk yiding Poace Nko yHiding Nok Hyiding Ploace
N9 Hiiding Ppace N9o Hding Pplace No9 Hdiing Plpace N0 Hjding Plaace N0o Plce No0 Hijding Plcae Nl H9ding Plzce
Nlo H9iding Plzace Nol Hi9ding Plazce Ni Hlding Plqce Nio Hliding Plqace Noi Hilding Plaqce Hoding Plsce Hoiding Plsace
Hioding Plasce Hkding Plwce Hkiding Plwace Hikding Plawce H8ding Plxce H8iding Plxace Hi8ding Plaxce
Huding Placce Plae Hiuding Plaec Hidding Plafe Hiing Plafce Hiidng Placfe Hixing Plaxe
Hixding Hidxing Placxe Hieing Plave Hieding Plavce Hideing Placve Hifing Plade Hifding Pladce
Hidfing Placde Hiring Placee Hirding Plac Hidring Place Hicing Placs

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