Lowdown And Dirty

This is the thirteenth day of waiting, the second long weekend
These liberties you've taken, have got to end
This distance you've been keeping, grows wider everyday
Time is running out, there's nothing left to say

Innocent child, that's what I once believed
But now I know better, and I ain't gonna let you play that game with me
I'm telling you mama
I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, run wild in the night
Lowdown and dirty, this time I'll do it right
Loving every minute, making up for lost time
I'll get lowdown, lowdown and dirty

A little time to do something, some searching of the soul
I never knew your heart could be so cold
You're driven by ambition and you want the best that you can get
Ambition leads you blindly if you let it
And I guess you let it

That innocent smile, it fooled me all the way
It drew me in, but now there's gonna be some hell to pay
Gonna be hell to pay

I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, and break every rule
Lowdown and dirty, nobody gonna treat me like a fool
Running free and easy, now I'm out on the loose
I'll get lowdown and dirty, lowdown and dirty tonight

Such an innocent child, you fooled me all the way
You drew me in, but now there is going to be some hell to pay

I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, run wild in the night
Lowdown and dirty, do it good, do it right
You see I've reaching for something that's been
Missing in my life
I've got to get lowdown and dirty, lowdown and dirty tonight
Got to get, got to get, got to get lowdown and dirty
If you could see me right now darlin' you'd see me flyin' high,
goin' crazy

Mirror lyrics:

goin' crazy
If you could see me right now darlin' you'd see me flyin' high,
Got to get, got to get, got to get lowdown and dirty
I've got to get lowdown and dirty, lowdown and dirty tonight
Missing in my life
You see I've reaching for something that's been
Lowdown and dirty, do it good, do it right
I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, run wild in the night

You drew me in, but now there is going to be some hell to pay
Such an innocent child, you fooled me all the way

I'll get lowdown and dirty, lowdown and dirty tonight
Running free and easy, now I'm out on the loose
Lowdown and dirty, nobody gonna treat me like a fool
I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, and break every rule

Gonna be hell to pay
It drew me in, but now there's gonna be some hell to pay
That innocent smile, it fooled me all the way

And I guess you let it
Ambition leads you blindly if you let it
You're driven by ambition and you want the best that you can get
I never knew your heart could be so cold
A little time to do something, some searching of the soul

I'll get lowdown, lowdown and dirty
Loving every minute, making up for lost time
Lowdown and dirty, this time I'll do it right
I'm gonna get lowdown and dirty, run wild in the night
I'm telling you mama
But now I know better, and I ain't gonna let you play that game with me
Innocent child, that's what I once believed

Time is running out, there's nothing left to say
This distance you've been keeping, grows wider everyday
These liberties you've taken, have got to end
This is the thirteenth day of waiting, the second long weekend

Relevant Tags:
LLowdown AAnd DDirty owdown nd irty oLwdown nAd iDrty kowdown znd xirty kLowdown zAnd xDirty Lkowdown Aznd Dxirty
oowdown qnd eirty oLowdown qAnd eDirty Loowdown Aqnd Deirty powdown snd firty pLowdown sAnd fDirty Lpowdown Asnd Dfirty
wnd rirty Lwdown wAnd rDirty Lwodown Awnd Drirty Lkwdown xnd cirty xAnd cDirty Lokwdown Axnd Dcirty
L9wdown Annd sirty L9owdown Ad sDirty Lo9wdown Adn Dsirty L0wdown Amd Diirty L0owdown Amnd Drty Lo0wdown Anmd Drity
Llwdown Ahd Djrty Llowdown Ahnd Djirty Lolwdown Anhd Dijrty Liwdown Ajd D9rty Liowdown Ajnd D9irty Loiwdown Anjd Di9rty
Lowwdown Abd Dlrty Lodown Abnd Dlirty Lodwown Anbd Dilrty Loadown Andd Dorty Loawdown An Doirty Lowadown And Diorty
Lo3down Anx Dkrty Lo3wdown Anxd Dkirty Low3down Andx Dikrty Loddown Ane D8rty Lodwdown Aned D8irty Lowddown Ande Di8rty
Loedown Anf Durty Loewdown Anfd Duirty Lowedown Andf Diurty Losdown Anr Dirrty Loswdown Anrd Dity Lowsdown Andr Ditry
Lo2down Anc Didty Lo2wdown Ancd Didrty Low2down Andc Dirdty Loqdown Ans Di4ty Loqwdown Ansd Di4rty Lowqdown Ands Dir4ty
Digty Lowown Digrty Lowodwn Dirgty Lowxown Ditty Lowxdown Ditrty Lowdxown Dirtty
Loweown Di5ty Di5rty Lowdeown Dir5ty Lowfown Difty

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