Sleep Tight Tonight

Sleeping in I'll begin again to shed this skin
And be born again
We'll drink to forget and drink to forgive
We'll rethink our futures
We'll rethink our futures

I can't remember what he said
When he left my bed and left my life last night
But I'll be thinking about you
I'll be thinking about

So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can
And lead me to your promised land

So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can
And lead me to your promised land

Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance
Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance
Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance

So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can
And lead me to your promised land

So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can
And lead me to your promised land

Mirror lyrics:

And lead me to your promised land
So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can

And lead me to your promised land
So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can

Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance
Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance
Fall in, fit in, the broken hearts club dance

And lead me to your promised land
So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can

And lead me to your promised land
So stay if you care, won't you stay if you can

I'll be thinking about
But I'll be thinking about you
When he left my bed and left my life last night
I can't remember what he said

We'll rethink our futures
We'll rethink our futures
We'll drink to forget and drink to forgive
And be born again
Sleeping in I'll begin again to shed this skin

Relevant Tags:
SSleep TTight TTonight leep ight onight lSeep iTght oTnight zleep fight fonight zSleep fTight fTonight Szleep Tfight Tfonight
wleep 5ight 5onight wSleep 5Tight 5Tonight Swleep T5ight T5onight dleep hight honight dSleep hTight hTonight Sdleep Thight Thonight
eleep yight yonight eSleep yTight yTonight Seleep Tyight Tyonight xleep 6ight 6onight xSleep 6Tight 6Tonight Sxleep T6ight T6onight
aleep gight gonight aSleep gTight gTonight Saleep Tgight Tgonight Slleep right ronight Seep rTight rTonight Selep Tright Tronight
Skeep Tiight Toonight Skleep Tght Tnight Slkeep Tgiht Tnoight Soeep Tjght Tknight Soleep Tjight Tkonight Sloeep Tijght Toknight
Speep T9ght T9night Spleep T9ight T9onight Slpeep Ti9ght To9night Sleeep Tlght T0night Slep Tlight T0onight Sleep Tilght To0night
Slsep Toght Tlnight Slseep Toight Tlonight Slesep Tioght Tolnight Sl3ep Tkght Tinight Sl3eep Tkight Tionight Sle3ep Tikght Toinight
Slfep T8ght Tonnight Slfeep T8ight Toight Slefep Ti8ght Toinght Slrep Tught Tomight Slreep Tuight Tomnight Slerep Tiught Tonmight
Sl4ep Tigght Tohight Sl4eep Tiht Tohnight Sle4ep Tihgt Tonhight Sldep Tihht Tojight Sldeep Tihght Tojnight Sledep Tighht Tonjight
Slwep Tiyht Tobight Slweep Tiyght Tobnight Slewep Tigyht Tonbight Tibht Toniight Tibght Tonght Slepe Tigbht Tongiht
Slesp Tivht Tonjght Tivght Sleesp Tigvht Tonijght Sle3p Tifht Ton9ght Tifght Ton9ight Slee3p Tigfht Toni9ght
Slefp Titht Tonlght Titght Tonlight Sleefp Tigtht Tonilght Slerp Tonoght

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