For My Pain
Autumn Harmony

The touch of fall has reached us again
Our hearts are covered by the endless rain
Accept our fate, don't say anything
I'll hold until we fade away

The whole world turns to grey
We are fading away from this life

You and me, we will be
Part of the autumn harmony
Together sleeping the endless dream
You and me, we will be
Gone in the wind of eternity
Together sleeping the endless dream

All the colors turn to grey
Everything dies to be born again
There's no need to be afraid
I'll hold until we fade away

The whole world turns to grey
We are fading away from this life

You and me, we will be
Part of the autumn harmony
Together sleeping the endless dream
You and me, we will be
Gone in the wind of eternity
Together sleeping the endless dream

Mirror lyrics:

Together sleeping the endless dream
Gone in the wind of eternity
You and me, we will be
Together sleeping the endless dream
Part of the autumn harmony
You and me, we will be

We are fading away from this life
The whole world turns to grey

I'll hold until we fade away
There's no need to be afraid
Everything dies to be born again
All the colors turn to grey

Together sleeping the endless dream
Gone in the wind of eternity
You and me, we will be
Together sleeping the endless dream
Part of the autumn harmony
You and me, we will be

We are fading away from this life
The whole world turns to grey

I'll hold until we fade away
Accept our fate, don't say anything
Our hearts are covered by the endless rain
The touch of fall has reached us again

Relevant Tags:
AAutumn HHarmony utumn armony uAtumn aHrmony zutumn jarmony zAutumn jHarmony Azutumn Hjarmony qutumn uarmony qAutumn uHarmony
Aqutumn Huarmony sutumn narmony sAutumn nHarmony Asutumn Hnarmony wutumn barmony wAutumn bHarmony Awutumn Hbarmony xutumn garmony
xAutumn gHarmony Axutumn Hgarmony Auutumn yarmony Atumn yHarmony Atuumn Hyarmony Ahtumn Haarmony Ahutumn Hrmony Auhtumn Hramony
A7tumn Hzrmony A7utumn Hzarmony Au7tumn Hazrmony Aktumn Hqrmony Akutumn Hqarmony Auktumn Haqrmony Aitumn Hsrmony Aiutumn Hsarmony
Auitumn Hasrmony A8tumn Hwrmony A8utumn Hwarmony Au8tumn Hawrmony Ajtumn Hxrmony Ajutumn Hxarmony Aujtumn Haxrmony Aytumn Harrmony
Ayutumn Hamony Auytumn Hamrony Auttumn Hadmony Auumn Hadrmony Auutmn Hardmony Aufumn Ha4mony Auftumn Ha4rmony Autfumn Har4mony
Au5umn Hagmony Au5tumn Hagrmony Aut5umn Hargmony Auhumn Hatmony Hatrmony Authumn Hartmony Auyumn Ha5mony Ha5rmony
Autyumn Har5mony Au6umn Hafmony Au6tumn Hafrmony Aut6umn Harfmony Augumn Haemony Augtumn Haermony Autgumn Haremony Aurumn Harmmony
Aurtumn Harony

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