Mind's :i:

The trip begins again
I can't release the voices, never be the same
Silence is my more

Mind's "I"

I can't take anymore, choking on my apathy
Words that I say don't mean a damn thing to me
Someone else is in here, hiding
Pain is truth, the truth is painful
"I" the one in constant carnage
"I" the two behind the mask
Living in here within my consciousness

Awaken me from the voices of my obsession
Awaken me

"I" of mind's eye
"I" of the storm

The Trip begins again

"I" abandon you and who you are inside
A part of me apart from you
We are dust, the walls we've seen will fall

"I" of mind's eye
"I" of the storm

"I" the one beyond redemption
"I" the two without the mask
The world we see, the world we see
Has turned on you, on you, and me

The trip begins again

Mirror lyrics:

The trip begins again

Has turned on you, on you, and me
The world we see, the world we see
"I" the two without the mask
"I" the one beyond redemption

"I" of the storm
"I" of mind's eye

We are dust, the walls we've seen will fall
A part of me apart from you
"I" abandon you and who you are inside

The Trip begins again

"I" of the storm
"I" of mind's eye

Awaken me
Awaken me from the voices of my obsession

Living in here within my consciousness
"I" the two behind the mask
"I" the one in constant carnage
Pain is truth, the truth is painful
Someone else is in here, hiding
Words that I say don't mean a damn thing to me
I can't take anymore, choking on my apathy

Mind's "I"

Silence is my more
I can't release the voices, never be the same
The trip begins again

Relevant Tags:
MMind's &:i: ind's #58;i: iMnd's #&58;i: jind's &##58;i: jMind's &58;i: Mjind's &5#8;i:
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Miind's &#r8;i: Mnd's &#r58;i: Mnid's r8;i: Mjnd's &#t8;i: &#t58;i: Mijnd's t8;i:
M9nd's 0i: M9ind's NJi: Mi9nd's Ȥi: Mlnd's Ɍi: Mlind's i: Milnd's 8i:
Mond's ;i: Moind's ɖi: Miond's ɍi: Mknd's u;i: u8;i: Miknd's :u;i:
M8nd's i;i: M8ind's i8;i: Mi8nd's :i;i: Mund's 9i: Muind's ɂi: Miund's ɋi:
Minnd's :;i: Mid's :i: Midn's :i;: Mimd's :ii: Mimnd's :: Minmd's :&i#58;
Mihd's :j: Mihnd's :ji: Minhd's :ij: Mijd's :9: :9i: Minjd's :i9:
Mibd's :l: Mibnd's :li: Minbd's :il:

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