Fool's Garden
Rainy Day

The porridge's been good
The marmalade too
I take another slice of bread
The bacon is hot but I don't mind
Too long I boiled the egg
I'm still a little tired,
my bones are weak
Another day off I take
I guess the sun had the same idea
And now we have a break

It's a rainy day, a rainy day
But I love it
It's a rainy day
The water comes down
But I love you

Milkman Mr Miller
is ringing my bell
Do you take a litre or two
But I don't wanna drink his milk today
I feel fine without it too
He steps into a puddle by going away
I hear him swearing at
The forecast promised high pressure today
And now he's getting wet

It's a rainy day, a rainy day...

Rosalie MacLovely is waiting for a cab
In the middle of the pouring rain
Old bold head MacArthur is waiting
for his hair to grow again
Once upon a time he was a curly head
But all those days are gone
And now he's looking like a fireball
When he gets into the sun

It's a rainy day, a rainy day...

Mirror lyrics:

It's a rainy day, a rainy day...

When he gets into the sun
And now he's looking like a fireball
But all those days are gone
Once upon a time he was a curly head
for his hair to grow again
Old bold head MacArthur is waiting
In the middle of the pouring rain
Rosalie MacLovely is waiting for a cab

It's a rainy day, a rainy day...

And now he's getting wet
The forecast promised high pressure today
I hear him swearing at
He steps into a puddle by going away
I feel fine without it too
But I don't wanna drink his milk today
Do you take a litre or two
is ringing my bell
Milkman Mr Miller

But I love you
The water comes down
It's a rainy day
But I love it
It's a rainy day, a rainy day

And now we have a break
I guess the sun had the same idea
Another day off I take
my bones are weak
I'm still a little tired,
Too long I boiled the egg
The bacon is hot but I don't mind
I take another slice of bread
The marmalade too
The porridge's been good

Relevant Tags:
RRainy DDay ainy ay aRiny aDy dainy xay dRainy xDay Rdainy Dxay 4ainy eay 4Rainy eDay R4ainy Deay gainy fay gRainy fDay
Rgainy Dfay tainy ray tRainy rDay Rtainy Dray 5ainy cay 5Rainy cDay R5ainy Dcay fainy say fRainy sDay Rfainy Dsay eainy Daay
eRainy Dy Reainy Dya Raainy Dzy Riny Dzay Riany Dazy Rziny Dqy Rzainy Dqay Raziny Daqy Rqiny Dsy Rqainy Raqiny Dasy
Rsiny Dwy Rsainy Dway Rasiny Dawy Rwiny Dxy Rwainy Rawiny Daxy Rxiny Dayy Rxainy Da Raxiny Day Raiiny Dag Rany Dagy
Raniy Dayg Rajny Dah Rajiny Dahy Raijny Dayh Ra9ny Da6 Ra9iny Da6y Rai9ny Day6

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