Foo Fighters
Once & For All (demo)

Oh misery, come marshal me in
No better place for me to begin
I'm coming in from out of this rain
The time has come to wash you away

The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
Oh gather round, sing your sins, amen
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war

Oh bring to me your broken and blue
No matter if it matters to you
A longing like never before
I've had enough, now I need more

The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
Oh gather round, sing your sins, amen
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war

Forgive me, debility
I'll sing you all my sins

My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war

The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again

Mirror lyrics:

The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again

My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all

I'll sing you all my sins
Forgive me, debility

My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
Oh gather round, sing your sins, amen
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again

I've had enough, now I need more
A longing like never before
No matter if it matters to you
Oh bring to me your broken and blue

My time has come, this means war
My time has come once and for all
Oh gather round, sing your sins, amen
The lovers are riding again
The lovers are riding again

The time has come to wash you away
I'm coming in from out of this rain
No better place for me to begin
Oh misery, come marshal me in

Relevant Tags:
OOnce && FFor AAll ((demo) nce or ll demo) nOce & oFr lAl d(emo) knce cor zll (ddemo) kOnce cFor zAll (emo) Oknce Fcor Azll (edmo)
9nce ror qll (xemo) 9Once rFor qAll (xdemo) O9nce Fror Aqll (dxemo) 0nce gor sll (eemo) 0Once gFor sAll (edemo) O0nce Fgor Asll (deemo)
lnce tor wll (femo) lOnce tFor wAll (fdemo) Olnce Ftor Awll (dfemo) ince vor xll (remo) iOnce vFor xAll (rdemo) Oince Fvor Axll (dremo)
Onnce dor Alll (cemo) Oce dFor Al (cdemo) Ocne Fdor All (dcemo) Omce Foor Akl (semo) Omnce Fr Akll (sdemo) Onmce Fro Alkl (dsemo)
Ohce Fkr Aol Ohnce Fkor Aoll (dmo) Onhce Fokr Alol (dmeo) Ojce F9r Apl (dsmo) Ojnce F9or Apll Onjce Fo9r Alpl (desmo)
Obce F0r (d3mo) Obnce F0or (d3emo) Onbce Fo0r (de3mo) Oncce Flr Alk (dfmo) One Flor Onec Folr Allk (defmo)
Onfe Fir Alo (drmo) Onfce Fior

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