For My Friends

Take my eyes.

And you will see what pulled me from my ignorance.

Sight. See this. See us. See us. See us.

I can only feel this around you and no one else.

I have searched for a sympathy.

I have searched for a brace to lean on.

And now you're my only brace, and yet I stand so tall.

You would pick me up if I'd fall, you would carry me.

Our great ascension.

We're one in the same.

On that mountain and on that beach.

We watched the sun rise, we watched our lives.

Come so far. Together.

And now your my only brace and yet I stand so tall.

You would pick me up if I'd fall, you would fall with me.

Our great ascension.

We're one in the same.

The love that you return to me (this is for my friends)

It's more vital than the blood pumping through my heart.

Mirror lyrics:

It's more vital than the blood pumping through my heart.

The love that you return to me (this is for my friends)

We're one in the same.

Our great ascension.

You would pick me up if I'd fall, you would fall with me.

And now your my only brace and yet I stand so tall.

Come so far. Together.

We watched the sun rise, we watched our lives.

On that mountain and on that beach.

We're one in the same.

Our great ascension.

You would pick me up if I'd fall, you would carry me.

And now you're my only brace, and yet I stand so tall.

I have searched for a brace to lean on.

I have searched for a sympathy.

I can only feel this around you and no one else.

Sight. See this. See us. See us. See us.

And you will see what pulled me from my ignorance.

Take my eyes.

Relevant Tags:
FFor MMy FFriends or y riends oFr yM rFiends cor jy criends cFor jMy cFriends Fcor Mjy Fcriends ror ky rriends rFor kMy rFriends
Fror Mky Frriends gor ny griends gFor nMy gFriends Fgor Mny Fgriends tor Myy triends tFor M tFriends Ftor My Ftriends vor Mg vriends
vFor Mgy vFriends Fvor Myg Fvriends dor Mh driends dFor Mhy dFriends Fdor Myh Fdriends Foor M6 Fr M6y Fiends Fro My6 Firends
Fkr Mu Fdiends Fkor Muy Fokr Myu Frdiends F9r M7 F4iends F9or M7y F4riends Fo9r My7 Fr4iends F0r Mj Fgiends F0or
Fo0r Myj Frgiends Flr Mt Ftiends Flor Mty Folr Myt Frtiends Fir F5iends Fior F5riends Foir Fr5iends Forr Ffiends
Fo Ffriends For Frfiends Fod Feiends Fodr Feriends Ford Freiends Fo4 Friiends Fo4r Frends For4 Freinds
Fog Frjends Fogr Frjiends Forg Frijends Fot Fr9ends Fotr Fr9iends Fort Fri9ends Fo5 Frlends Fo5r Frliends
For5 Frilends Fof Froends Fofr Froiends Forf Frioends Foe Frkends Foer Frkiends Fore Frikends Fr8ends
Fr8iends Fri8ends Fruends Fruiends Friuends Frieends Frinds

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