Rock My Heart (always)

Cleaning an old box
I found so many things
That I'd forgotten for a while
The pictures, the letters,
The rhymes that we shared
A teddy bear
That you gave me on valentine's

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

My time is over,
But I'll be back for sure
Tomorrow is another day
Oh!, those pictures,
Those letters,
The rhymes that we shared
That bear you gave me on valentine's

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Always and always you
Will rock my heart

Mirror lyrics:

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

That bear you gave me on valentine's
The rhymes that we shared
Those letters,
Oh!, those pictures,
Tomorrow is another day
But I'll be back for sure
My time is over,

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

Will rock my heart
Always and always you

That you gave me on valentine's
A teddy bear
The rhymes that we shared
The pictures, the letters,
That I'd forgotten for a while
I found so many things
Cleaning an old box

Relevant Tags:
RRock MMy HHeart ((always) ock y eart always) oRck yM eHart a(lways) dock jy jeart (aalways) dRock jMy jHeart (lways) Rdock Mjy Hjeart (laways)
4ock ky ueart (zlways) 4Rock kMy uHeart (zalways) R4ock Mky Hueart (azlways) gock ny neart (qlways) gRock nMy nHeart (qalways) Rgock Mny Hneart (aqlways)
tock Myy beart (slways) tRock M bHeart (salways) Rtock My Hbeart (aslways) 5ock Mg geart (wlways) 5Rock Mgy gHeart (walways) R5ock Myg Hgeart (awlways)
fock Mh yeart (xlways) fRock Mhy yHeart (xalways) Rfock Myh Hyeart (axlways) eock M6 Heeart (allways) eRock M6y Hart (aways) Reock My6 Haert (awlays)
Roock Mu Hsart (akways) Rck Muy Hseart (aklways) Rcok Myu Hesart (alkways) Rkck M7 H3art (aoways) Rkock M7y H3eart (aolways) Rokck My7 He3art (aloways)
R9ck Mj Hfart (apways) R9ock Hfeart (aplways) Ro9ck Myj Hefart (alpways) R0ck Mt Hrart (alwways) R0ock Mty Hreart (alays) Ro0ck Myt Herart (alawys)
Rlck H4art (alaays) Rlock H4eart (alaways) Rolck He4art (alwaays) Rick Hdart (al3ays) Riock Hdeart (al3ways) Roick Hedart (alw3ays)
Rocck Hwart (aldays) Rok Hweart (aldways) Rokc Hewart (alwdays) Rofk Heaart (aleays) Rofck Hert (aleways) Rocfk Herat (alweays)
Roxk Hezrt (alsays) Roxck Hezart (alsways) Rocxk Heazrt (alwsays) Rovk Heqrt (al2ays) Rovck Heqart (al2ways) Rocvk Heaqrt (alw2ays)
Rodk Hesrt (alqays) Rodck (alqways) Rocdk Heasrt (alwqays) Rockk Hewrt Roc (alwys) Rock Heawrt (alwyas)

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