Not Lonely

im not lonely
i've got someone by my side
she is the apple of my eye, eye, eye
i love her
she makes me feel so lucky
im not lonley
i've got someone by my side
she is the one
the one i love
no one can ever take her from me me me
shes mine
all mine
all mine
im not lonley
no no no
not anymore
not anymore
no no
im not lonley
lonley lonley

Mirror lyrics:

lonley lonley
im not lonley
no no
not anymore
not anymore
no no no
im not lonley
all mine
all mine
shes mine
no one can ever take her from me me me
the one i love
she is the one
i've got someone by my side
im not lonley
she makes me feel so lucky
i love her
she is the apple of my eye, eye, eye
i've got someone by my side
im not lonely

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N9ot L0onely No9t Lo0nely N0t Llnely N0ot Llonely No0t Lolnely Nlt Linely Nlot Lionely Nolt Loinely Nit Lonnely Niot Loely Noit Loenly
Nott Lomely No Lomnely Not Lonmely Nof Lohely Noft Lohnely Notf Lonhely No5 Lojely No5t Lojnely Not5 Lonjely Noh Lobely Noht Lobnely
Noth Lonbely Noy Loneely Noyt Lonly Noty Lonley No6 Lonsly No6t Lonsely Not6 Lonesly Nog Lon3ly

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