Manchester, England (feat. Gavin Creel)

Manchester, England, England--
Across the Atlantic Sea.
And I'm a genius, genius.
I believe in God!
And I believe that God
Believes in Claude.
That's me, that's me!

Claude Hooper Bukowski--
Finds that it's groovy
To hide in a movie
Pretends he's Fellini
And Antonioni,
And also his countryman,
Roman Polanski
All rolled into one.

Man: [Spoken]
One what?

One Claude Hooper Bukowski!
Now that I've dropped out,
Why is life dreary, dreary?
Answer my weary query,
Oh, Timothy Leary, dearie!

Claude & the Tribe:
Oh, Manchester, England, England--
Across the Atlantic Sea.

And I'm a genius, genius.

Claude & the Tribe:
I believe in God!
And I believe that God
Believes in Claude!

Claude: Tribe:
That's me. That's he.
That's me. That's he.
That's me. That's he.
That's me!

Mirror lyrics:

That's me!
That's me. That's he.
That's me. That's he.
That's me. That's he.
Claude: Tribe:

Believes in Claude!
And I believe that God
I believe in God!
Claude & the Tribe:

And I'm a genius, genius.

Across the Atlantic Sea.
Oh, Manchester, England, England--
Claude & the Tribe:

Oh, Timothy Leary, dearie!
Answer my weary query,
Why is life dreary, dreary?
Now that I've dropped out,
One Claude Hooper Bukowski!

One what?
Man: [Spoken]

All rolled into one.
Roman Polanski
And also his countryman,
And Antonioni,
Pretends he's Fellini
To hide in a movie
Finds that it's groovy
Claude Hooper Bukowski--

That's me, that's me!
Believes in Claude.
And I believe that God
I believe in God!
And I'm a genius, genius.
Across the Atlantic Sea.
Manchester, England, England--

Relevant Tags:
MManchester, EEngland ((feat. GGavin CCreel) anchester, ngland feat. avin reel) aMnchester, nEgland f(eat. aGvin rCeel)
janchester, sngland (ffeat. havin freel) jManchester, sEngland (eat. hGavin fCreel) Mjanchester, Esngland (efat. Ghavin Cfreel)
kanchester, 3ngland (ceat. yavin xreel) kManchester, 3England (cfeat. yGavin xCreel) Mkanchester, E3ngland (fceat. Gyavin Cxreel)
nanchester, fngland (reat. bavin vreel) nManchester, fEngland (rfeat. bGavin vCreel) Mnanchester, Efngland (freat. Gbavin Cvreel)
Maanchester, rngland (geat. vavin dreel) Mnchester, rEngland (gfeat. vGavin dCreel) Mnachester, Erngland (fgeat. Gvavin Cdreel)
Mznchester, 4ngland (teat. favin Crreel) Mzanchester, 4England (tfeat. fGavin Ceel) Maznchester, E4ngland (fteat. Gfavin Cerel)
Mqnchester, dngland (veat. tavin Cdeel) Mqanchester, dEngland (vfeat. tGavin Maqnchester, Edngland (fveat. Gtavin Crdeel)
Msnchester, wngland (deat. Gaavin C4eel) Msanchester, wEngland (dfeat. Gvin C4reel) Masnchester, Ewngland (fdeat. Gvain Cr4eel)
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Mabchester, Enhland (fdat. Gabin Crsel) Mabnchester, Gabvin Crseel) Manbchester, Enghland (fedat. Gavbin Cresel)
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Mancgester, Englznd (feah. Gavun Crerl) Mancghester, Englzand (feaht. Gavuin Manchgester, Englaznd (feath. Gaviun Creerl)
Mancyester, Englqnd (feay. Gavinn Cre4l) Mancyhester, Englqand (feayt. Gavi Manchyester, Englaqnd (featy. Gavin Cree4l)
Mancheester, Englsnd (fea6. Gavim Credl) Manchster, Englsand (fea6t. Gavimn Manchseter, Englasnd (feat6. Gavinm Creedl)
Manchsster, Englwnd (feag. Gavih Crewl) Manchsester, Englwand (feagt. Gavihn Manchesster, Englawnd (featg. Gavinh Creewl)
Manch3ster, Englxnd (fear. Gavij Creell) Manch3ester, Englxand (feart. Cree) Manche3ster, Englaxnd (featr. Gavinj Cree)l

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