Alone Walkyng

Alone walkyng, in thought planning,
And sore sighing, all desolate.
Me remembering, of my livyng,
My dethe wishyng,
Bother erly and late.
Infortunate, is so my fate,
That vote ye what? out of
My life I hate, thus desperate
In soche pore eslate doe I endure.
Of othir cure am I not sure
Thus to endure is hard certain.
Such is my ure I you ensure:
What creature
Maie have more pain?
My truthe so plain is take in vain,
And grete disdain in remembraunce;
Yet I full faine
Would me complaine
Me to abstaine from this penaunce;
But in substaunce none
Of my grevaunce can I not finde;
Right so my chaunce with
Doeth me avaunce
And thus an Ende.

Mirror lyrics:

And thus an Ende.
Doeth me avaunce
Right so my chaunce with
Of my grevaunce can I not finde;
But in substaunce none
Me to abstaine from this penaunce;
Would me complaine
Yet I full faine
And grete disdain in remembraunce;
My truthe so plain is take in vain,
Maie have more pain?
What creature
Such is my ure I you ensure:
Thus to endure is hard certain.
Of othir cure am I not sure
In soche pore eslate doe I endure.
My life I hate, thus desperate
That vote ye what? out of
Infortunate, is so my fate,
Bother erly and late.
My dethe wishyng,
Me remembering, of my livyng,
And sore sighing, all desolate.
Alone walkyng, in thought planning,

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Alione Waklkyng Aloine Walkkyng Alonne Waokyng Aloe Waolkyng Aloen Walokyng Alome Wapkyng Alomne Waplkyng Alonme Walpkyng Alohe
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