Two Steps, Twice

Sun side, sun dance step for two
Sun side, dance step for two
Sun side, dance step for two
Sun side, dance step for two

Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)

Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)

Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sunset disco this is for you

Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba

Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba

Woo, that's one step, one step, two step
That's two steps, two steps, speed bikes
That's one step, one step, two step
That's two step, dance step, speed bikes

That's one side, one side, one side
That's one side, two steps, speed bikes
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off

That's two step, two step, one step
That's one step, two step, dance step
That's two step, dance step, speed bikes

Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off

Mirror lyrics:

Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off

That's two step, dance step, speed bikes
That's one step, two step, dance step
That's two step, two step, one step

Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
Let's swim, let's swim, let's swim this off
That's one side, two steps, speed bikes
That's one side, one side, one side

That's two step, dance step, speed bikes
That's one step, one step, two step
That's two steps, two steps, speed bikes
Woo, that's one step, one step, two step

Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba

Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba
Babada babada, babada baba

Sunset disco this is for you
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two

(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two

(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two
(Dance upon and sing, dance upon and sing)
Sun side dance step for two

Sun side, dance step for two
Sun side, dance step for two
Sun side, dance step for two
Sun side, sun dance step for two

Relevant Tags:
TTwo SSteps, TTwice wo teps, wice wTo tSeps, wTice fwo zteps, fwice fTwo zSteps, fTwice Tfwo Szteps, Tfwice 5wo wteps, 5wice
5Two wSteps, 5Twice T5wo Swteps, T5wice hwo dteps, hwice hTwo dSteps, hTwice Thwo Sdteps, Thwice ywo eteps, ywice yTwo eSteps, yTwice
Tywo Seteps, Tywice 6wo xteps, 6wice 6Two xSteps, 6Twice T6wo Sxteps, T6wice gwo ateps, gwice gTwo aSteps, gTwice Tgwo Sateps, Tgwice
rwo Stteps, rwice rTwo Seps, rTwice Trwo Setps, Trwice Twwo Sfeps, Twwice To Sfteps, Tice Tow Stfeps, Tiwce Tao S5eps, Taice
Tawo S5teps, Tawice Twao St5eps, Twaice T3o Sheps, T3ice T3wo Shteps, T3wice Tw3o Stheps, Tw3ice Tdo Syeps, Tdice Tdwo Syteps, Tdwice
Twdo Styeps, Twdice Teo S6eps, Teice Tewo S6teps, Tewice Tweo St6eps, Tweice Tso Sgeps, Tsice Tswo Sgteps, Tswice Twso Stgeps, Twsice
T2o Sreps, T2ice T2wo Srteps, T2wice Tw2o Streps, Tw2ice Tqo Steeps, Tqice Tqwo Stps, Tqwice Twqo Stpes, Twqice Twoo Stsps, Twiice
Tw Stseps, Twce Two Stesps, Twcie Twk St3ps, Twjce Twko St3eps, Twjice Twok Ste3ps, Twijce Tw9 Stfps, Tw9ce

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