Fm Static
Nice Piece Of Art

I've tried not to let anyone in until now
I guess conversation is never allowed
and i've been feelling like i'm in some sort of
mary go-round
and i know, i know, yea i know, i know

and i've tried not to let anyone in until now
it took time for me to figure it out
and when i feel like i'm complacent with my head in the clouds
and i know, i know, yea i know, i know

and every time I wonder what's real you make me feel...

You make me feel like a lavender sweater
when I'm caught in bad weather,
In my Volkswagen Jetta
You make me feel like a complete work of art
when I'm just falling apart
A really nice piece of art

Dear God,
I hope you hear me

And I've tried not to let anyone in until now
Misunderstandings are an easy way out
And I've been feeling all this pressure just to figure it out
And I know, don't know, yeah I know, don't know

And I know that if I just stay strong I can make it
and try harder when I just can't take it
And when everything around me feels so broken and jaded

I know, yeah I know, I know
and every time I wonder what's real you make me feel...

You make me feel like a lavender sweater
When I'm caught in bad weather
In my Volkswagen Jetta
You make me feel like a complete work of art
when I'm just falling apart
A really nice piece of art

It's kinda warped, but it's picking up slowly
I don't know, but I can if you'll show me
I guess sometimes it takes more than just fake conversations
to feel like I know that
It's kinda hard when I'm planning for something
to get across this hole without jumping
I guess sometimes it takes more than just false information
to find out who we are

You make me feel like a lavender sweater
when I'm caught in bad weather
In my Volkswagen Jetta
You make me feel like a complete work of art
when I'm just falling apart
A really nice piece of art

Mirror lyrics:

A really nice piece of art
when I'm just falling apart
You make me feel like a complete work of art
In my Volkswagen Jetta
when I'm caught in bad weather
You make me feel like a lavender sweater

to find out who we are
I guess sometimes it takes more than just false information
to get across this hole without jumping
It's kinda hard when I'm planning for something
to feel like I know that
I guess sometimes it takes more than just fake conversations
I don't know, but I can if you'll show me
It's kinda warped, but it's picking up slowly

A really nice piece of art
when I'm just falling apart
You make me feel like a complete work of art
In my Volkswagen Jetta
When I'm caught in bad weather
You make me feel like a lavender sweater

and every time I wonder what's real you make me feel...
I know, yeah I know, I know

And when everything around me feels so broken and jaded
and try harder when I just can't take it
And I know that if I just stay strong I can make it

And I know, don't know, yeah I know, don't know
And I've been feeling all this pressure just to figure it out
Misunderstandings are an easy way out
And I've tried not to let anyone in until now

I hope you hear me
Dear God,

A really nice piece of art
when I'm just falling apart
You make me feel like a complete work of art
In my Volkswagen Jetta
when I'm caught in bad weather,
You make me feel like a lavender sweater

and every time I wonder what's real you make me feel...

and i know, i know, yea i know, i know
and when i feel like i'm complacent with my head in the clouds
it took time for me to figure it out
and i've tried not to let anyone in until now

and i know, i know, yea i know, i know
mary go-round
and i've been feelling like i'm in some sort of
I guess conversation is never allowed
I've tried not to let anyone in until now

Relevant Tags:
NNice PPiece OOf AArt ice iece f rt iNce iPece fO rAt mice 0iece kf zrt mNice 0Piece kOf zArt Nmice P0iece Okf Azrt
hice liece 9f qrt hNice lPiece 9Of qArt Nhice Pliece O9f Aqrt jice oiece 0f srt jNice oPiece 0Of sArt Njice Poiece O0f Asrt
bice Piiece lf wrt bNice Pece lOf wArt Nbice Peice Olf Awrt Niice Pjece if xrt Nce Pjiece iOf xArt Ncie Pijece Oif Axrt
Njce P9ece Off Arrt P9iece O At Nijce Pi9ece Of Atr N9ce Plece Oc Adt N9ice Ocf Adrt Ni9ce Pilece Ofc Ardt
Nlce Poece Or A4t Nlice Orf A4rt Nilce Pioece Ofr Ar4t Noce Pkece Og Agt Noice Pkiece Ogf Agrt Nioce Pikece Ofg Argt
Nkce P8ece Ot Att Nkice P8iece Otf Atrt Nikce Pi8ece Oft Artt N8ce Puece Ov A5t N8ice Puiece Ovf A5rt Ni8ce Piuece Ofv Ar5t
Nuce Pieece Od Aft Nuice Pice Odf Afrt Niuce Picee Ofd Arft Nicce Pisce Aet Nie Pisece Aert Niec Piesce Aret
Nife Pi3ce Nifce Pi3ece Ar Nicfe Pie3ce Art Nixe Pifce Arf Nixce Pifece

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