F Minus
From Here

To the blinded you're quite the vision
You're just a creation
You're just another version
Another way for them to
Use a front for a problem
Your pain and suffering is really just
Another slogan to your product
No time for your lessons
Who calls the shots when i have questions?
I dont see how you dont get it
You don't see it. you and your
Plan succeeded. From here we do not
See them they do not speak or listen
I see things and i believe them
Have problems and i dont see them
and i never needed you there

Mirror lyrics:

and i never needed you there
Have problems and i dont see them
I see things and i believe them
See them they do not speak or listen
Plan succeeded. From here we do not
You don't see it. you and your
I dont see how you dont get it
Who calls the shots when i have questions?
No time for your lessons
Another slogan to your product
Your pain and suffering is really just
Use a front for a problem
Another way for them to
You're just another version
You're just a creation
To the blinded you're quite the vision

Relevant Tags:
FFrom HHere rom ere rFom eHre crom jere cFrom jHere Fcrom Hjere rrom uere rFrom uHere Frrom Huere grom nere gFrom nHere
Fgrom Hnere trom bere tFrom bHere Ftrom Hbere vrom gere vFrom gHere Fvrom Hgere drom yere dFrom yHere Fdrom Hyere Heere
Fom Hre Form Hree Fdom Hsre Hsere Frdom Hesre F4om H3re F4rom H3ere Fr4om He3re Fgom Hfre Hfere Frgom Hefre
Ftom Hrre Hrere Frtom Herre F5om H4re F5rom H4ere Fr5om He4re Ffom Hdre Ffrom Hdere Frfom Hedre

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