Flying Blind
Work So Hard

Words, they bother me to no end
To no end
Always bad news, bad luck, bad weather
Bad weather, yeah
I wish you wouldn't talk so much
Talk so much
Then maybe things would get better
Things would get better, yeah
Songs filling up the room
Still you don't hear, can't hear, won't listen
If you'd only understand
Only understand
That I'm sure that things would get better
Get better, yeah
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
All alone, conversations are driving me insane
With quiet complications, desperately in vain
I listen, I scream, I laugh out loud at myself
Watchin' myself, playin' with myself
'Cause everyone can't see
The scared boy is me
Honey, I will never let you go
Said those strings of vile things
Let's go places
Excuse my intuition
Yeah, my intuition, yeah
There is no possible way that things could be better
No, this won't be better
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?

Mirror lyrics:

Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
No, this won't be better
There is no possible way that things could be better
Yeah, my intuition, yeah
Excuse my intuition
Let's go places
Said those strings of vile things
Honey, I will never let you go
The scared boy is me
'Cause everyone can't see
Watchin' myself, playin' with myself
I listen, I scream, I laugh out loud at myself
With quiet complications, desperately in vain
All alone, conversations are driving me insane
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Why do I work so hard?
Get better, yeah
That I'm sure that things would get better
Only understand
If you'd only understand
Still you don't hear, can't hear, won't listen
Songs filling up the room
Things would get better, yeah
Then maybe things would get better
Talk so much
I wish you wouldn't talk so much
Bad weather, yeah
Always bad news, bad luck, bad weather
To no end
Words, they bother me to no end

Relevant Tags:
WWork SSo HHard ork o ard oWrk oS aHrd aork zo jard aWork zSo jHard Waork Szo Hjard 3ork wo uard 3Work wSo uHard W3ork Swo Huard
dork do nard dWork dSo nHard Wdork Sdo Hnard eork eo bard eWork eSo bHard Weork Seo Hbard sork xo gard sWork xSo gHard Wsork Sxo Hgard
2ork ao yard 2Work aSo yHard W2ork Sao Hyard qork Soo Haard qWork S Hrd Wqork So Hrad Woork Sk Hzrd Wrk Sko Hzard Wrok Sok Hazrd
Wkrk S9 Hqrd Wkork S9o Hqard Wokrk So9 Haqrd W9rk S0 Hsrd W9ork S0o Hsard Wo9rk So0 Hasrd W0rk Sl Hwrd W0ork Slo Hward Wo0rk Sol Hawrd
Wlrk Si Hxrd Wlork Sio Hxard Wolrk Soi Haxrd Wirk Harrd Wiork Had Woirk Hadr

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