Hank Williams Jr.
Chair That Rocked Us All

I called you all together for in just an hour or two

There'll be an auction on the square that just might int'rest you

It's the first time I've seen most of you since mama passed away

And that old chair that rocked us all will be auctioned off today

Well I guess you know of course I lost the farm that
daddy sweated all his life to keep

And even worked sometimes by moonlight when all of
us kids were sound to asleep

Now I guess we were all just too busy fulfilling each one's worldly dreams

To even care when they took the old chair along with all the other things

You know if you could capture all the love that we found in that old chair

Why you could wipe out all the hatred in this old world

And you'd still have a lotta love to spare

Now all I ask and it's not too much is just go with me down to the square

And let's take a look among all the other things at
mama's old rocking chair

And look at all the teeth marks put there when we were small

Just go with me for one last look at the chair that rocked us all

Mirror lyrics:

Just go with me for one last look at the chair that rocked us all

And look at all the teeth marks put there when we were small

mama's old rocking chair
And let's take a look among all the other things at

Now all I ask and it's not too much is just go with me down to the square

And you'd still have a lotta love to spare

Why you could wipe out all the hatred in this old world

You know if you could capture all the love that we found in that old chair

To even care when they took the old chair along with all the other things

Now I guess we were all just too busy fulfilling each one's worldly dreams

us kids were sound to asleep
And even worked sometimes by moonlight when all of

daddy sweated all his life to keep
Well I guess you know of course I lost the farm that

And that old chair that rocked us all will be auctioned off today

It's the first time I've seen most of you since mama passed away

There'll be an auction on the square that just might int'rest you

I called you all together for in just an hour or two

Relevant Tags:
CChair TThat RRocked UUs AAll hair hat ocked s ll hCair hTat oRcked sU lAl fhair fhat docked hs zll fChair fThat dRocked hUs zAll Cfhair Tfhat Rdocked Uhs Azll
xhair 5hat 4ocked 7s qll xChair 5That 4Rocked 7Us qAll Cxhair T5hat R4ocked U7s Aqll vhair hhat gocked ks sll vChair hThat gRocked kUs sAll Cvhair Thhat Rgocked Uks Asll
dhair yhat tocked is wll dChair yThat tRocked iUs wAll Cdhair Tyhat Rtocked Uis Awll Chhair 6hat 5ocked 8s xll Cair 6That 5Rocked 8Us xAll Cahir T6hat R5ocked U8s Axll
Cjair ghat focked js Alll Cjhair gThat fRocked jUs Al Chjair Tghat Rfocked Ujs All Cuair rhat eocked ys Akl Cuhair rThat eRocked yUs Akll Chuair Trhat Reocked Uys Alkl
Cnair Roocked Uss Aol Cnhair Tat Rcked U Aoll Chnair Taht Rcoked Us Alol Cbair Tjat Rkcked Uz Apl Cbhair Tjhat Rkocked Uzs Apll Chbair Thjat Rokcked Usz Alpl
Cgair Tuat R9cked Uw Cghair Tuhat R9ocked Uws Chgair Thuat Ro9cked Usw Cyair Tnat R0cked Ud Alk Cyhair Tnhat R0ocked Uds Chyair Thnat Ro0cked Usd Allk
Chaair Tbat Rlcked Ue Alo Chir Tbhat Rlocked Ues Chiar Thbat Rolcked Use Allo Chzir Tgat Ricked Ux Alp Chzair Riocked Uxs Chazir Thgat Roicked Usx Allp
Chqir Tyat Roccked Ua Chqair Roked Uas Chaqir Thyat Rokced Usa Chsir Thaat Rofked Chsair Tht Rofcked Chasir Thta Rocfked
Chwir Thzt Roxked Chwair Thzat Roxcked Chawir Thazt Rocxked Chxir Thqt Rovked Chxair Thqat Rovcked Chaxir Thaqt Rocvked
Chaiir Thst Rodked Char Thsat Rodcked Chari Thast Rocdked Chajr Thwt Rockked

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